Death Eater Roleplay Let's Get It Started!

DmitryVladimir posted on Dec 28, 2010 at 12:13AM
Please be nice. AND fair... Let it make sense.. New RPers please read this first before joining:
1. Have fun!
2. Have FUN!
last edited on Aug 25, 2011 at 05:58PM

Death Eater Roleplay 1008 返信

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 1008

1年以上前 BellaBlackL said…
Bella nodded, still attempting to drink out of the empty bottle
1年以上前 Scabior said…
Scabior stared at Bellatrix. "It's empty dear..."
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
OOC: I'll be back in a bit. Gotta go home:P lol
1年以上前 BellaBlackL said…
"oh...." said Bella distantly, then she randomly burst into tears. The vodka obviously had a strong effect on her.
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry dropped to floor, feeling dizzy. "The world is spinning! WEEE!"
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Scabior said…
Scabior, although drunk as a pirate, looked worried when he saw Bella in tears. "Are you alright?" he said trying to keep his balance.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana fell down on the floor laughing at Dmitry.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"Am I the only normal one here??"
1年以上前 KateKicksAss said…
Kate walked in the door and stared.
1年以上前 Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta came in the room. She was greatly confused by what was going on so she silently slipped into the kitchen for a midnight snack. She then came out a second later. "Ok, who blew up the kitchen?" she questioned.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Lucius-Malfoy said…
Lucius entered the house slowly but then came to a sudden halt. "WHAT.THE.HELL??!!!!!"
1年以上前 Scabior said…
Ohhhhhh crap
.....Uh...suprise??? Happy...Birthday???
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry stood up quickly, suddenly sobbering up. "I didn't blow up your kitchen!!! I swear it wasn't me!!" He blurted out, "Oh...sniz...."

OOC:^ Hahahaha! Love the reaction Lucius!! XDD
1年以上前 Lucius-Malfoy said…
"What in the name of the Dark Lord are you all doing in m-" Lucius spotted the destroyed kitchen. "my-my-my..."
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
Dmitry smiled slyly and started edging out of the room. "He-he... uuhhh.."
1年以上前 Scabior said…
*meep* We are baaddd baddd people...
1年以上前 Scabior said…
"Hold it you!!" Scabior said to Dmitry throwing an empty Scotch bottle at his head.
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Lucius-Malfoy said…
"What are you doing to my house?!," screeched Lucius.
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
"AAH!! That didn't hurt or anything!" Dmitry shot sarcastically.
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
1年以上前 Lenzetta-Lovett said…
Lenzetta laughed. "Lucius, the awful truth is... I saw Scabior hugging the wall earlier and Dmitry....well I have no clue what he's doing..."
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 Scabior said…
"I did not do that!!!....Did I???"
1年以上前 Brutus-McMillan said…
"Well,slap me thrice and hand me to me mama!!! We're thrashing the Malfoy's place!"
1年以上前 Lenzetta-Lovett said…
OOC:^ XDDDD Alright there Gibbs!!! ROFL!
last edited 1年以上前
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
"Just the kitchen..." Dmitry crossed his arms and stared at the floor grumply.
1年以上前 Scabior said…
"Lucius...we got Vodkaaaa..." Scabior encouraged. "Cmon you deserve some fun!"
1年以上前 Lucius-Malfoy said…
OOC:^XD I actually watched that earlier today, Lenzetta! That's where I got the idea!

IC: "Everyone stop!," yelled Lucius.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana walked in dancing. She imddiatly stopped when she saw Lucius. "oh, hi..."
1年以上前 Lenzetta-Lovett said…
OOC: XD Epic movie!
IC: Ohhhh bugga....
1年以上前 Lucius-Malfoy said…

IC: "Everybody quietly leave an-"
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"Come on Lucius! Just join the fun!" Kiana laughed.
1年以上前 Scabior said…
Scabior just leaned up against the wall and smirked. "Why so serious about it?" he said.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"I'm not going to lie to you. IT WAS ALL SCABIOR'S IDEA!", Kiana pointed towards Scabior.
1年以上前 Brutus-McMillan said…
"Trash the place!!!!!!!," bellowed Brutus.
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
"Today the kitchen.. tomorrow the Manor!!"
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"Lucius, come on! Just dance!" Kiana started dancing like a maniac and broke one of the lamps.
1年以上前 Lenzetta-Lovett said…
"Aww how am I going to get my midnight snack now?"
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana pretended it didn't happen and then danced in the wall and made a huge hole.
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
"Just dance!" Dmitry smiled, and started dancing again, forgetting why he had stopped in the first place.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana stepped out of the hole. She looked at Lucius who was steaming red. Kiana smiled weakly and then started dancing again.
1年以上前 Lucius-Malfoy said…
"Ugh....goodnight." Lucius walked up the stairs to bed, ignoring everyone else. "But DO NOT trash the place, Brutus, or it's a Crucio!"
1年以上前 Lenzetta-Lovett said…
O_o... Lenzetta walked silently to a corner... "What idiots..." she said to herself.
1年以上前 Brutus-McMillan said…
"Oooohh! I'm sooo scared!," jeered Brutus, before rlaxing into a chair.
1年以上前 Scabior said…
"Who said Brutus would be the only one to trash the place?" Scabior said silently to himself smirking.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
"Yea who said that?" Kiana smirked. "Oh wait! That means, we blaim it all on him!" Kiana cackled.
1年以上前 DmitryVladimir said…
"Can I join if we do?" Dmitry popped up suddenly next to Scabior with another bottle of Vodka in his hand.
1年以上前 Brutus-McMillan said…
Brutus looked around his shoulder at the others and raised an eyebrow.
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana jumped on the couch ripping it to pieces. She took hold of a baseball bat and broke the windows. "Why does Lucius have a baseball bat?"
1年以上前 Scabior said…
1年以上前 Kiana-M-McMahon said…
Kiana hit Scabior in the head with the baseball bat and started laughing like a maniac.