カップケーキ Club
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posted by AthenaChristina
1. They're mini cakes
2. あなた can make designs with the frosting
3. There are various flavors of cakes あなた can make
4. There are various flavors of icing あなた can make to frost the cupcakes
5. They're easy to make
6. They're yummy and moist
7. あなた can make them for any occasion
8. Making them can be a hobby
9. あなた can fill them with filling of your choice
10. They are easy to frost
11. They never stay on the counter (every single one is in your stomach)
12. They're getting もっと見る attention in the cake world
13. Alot of people are creating new flavors like blue velvet and smores
14. Almost every grocery store...
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