
Bubbles (PowerPuff Girls) 質問

Have あなた seen any girl in animes that look like bubbles?

please tell me the name of the girl(if あなた know it) the name of the anime(If あなた know it または if she is in an anime) if あなた dont tell me well give me a link to see her then ill do something youll see
 hinamoridream10 posted 1年以上前
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Bubbles (PowerPuff Girls) 回答

Lolly4me2 said:
Why don't あなた use the Powerpuff Girls Z version of Bubbles?
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 Why don't あなた use the Powerpuff Girls Z version of Bubbles?
posted 1年以上前 
Pretty smart, but the 質問 is someone who LOOKS like Bubbles.
Jenny_1751 posted 1年以上前
Well it's not technically Bubbles. ;D It's Japanese. HURR DERR~~
Lolly4me2 posted 1年以上前
frylock243 said:
YES! in the 表示する Sonic X, the character Maria Robotnik, she kinda looks like bubbles in PPGZ

at least, that's what i think :P
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 YES! in the 表示する Sonic X, the character Maria Robotnik, she kinda looks like bubbles in PPGZ at least, that's what i think :P
posted 1年以上前 
it does look like her, blonde, blue dress, omg BUBBLES thanks
hinamoridream10 posted 1年以上前
あなた are welcome :P
frylock243 posted 1年以上前
Jenny_1751 said:
Its not in an anime, but she does look like bubbles(If bubbles wore a tutu.). I mean...yellow hair, blue eyes. Deedee absolutely looks like bubbles.
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 Its not in an anime, but she does look like bubbles(If bubbles wore a tutu.). I mean...yellow hair, blue eyes. Deedee absolutely looks like bubbles.
posted 1年以上前 
beeppcream said:
blue and sweet
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posted 1年以上前 
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