Bionicle Updates

a comment was made to the photo: I just found out that they are the same voice actors 1年以上前 by MisterMasterMan
a comment was made to the photo: stormer 1年以上前 by Jason_Voorhees
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your お気に入り toa? 1年以上前 by Jason_Voorhees
a comment was made to the poll: who would win in a battle between furno and stormer? 1年以上前 by Jason_Voorhees
a comment was made to the photo: I just found out that they are the same voice actors 1年以上前 by Aromostos
an answer was added to this question: Who are your favourite toa of all time? 1年以上前 by apgg180888888
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Who isn't (or wasn't) a Matoran ? 1年以上前 by apgg180888888
a pop quiz question 追加されました: The only Makuta native to the Matoran Universe to survive Teridax's Makuta genocide was... 1年以上前 by Kaymac
a pop quiz question 追加されました: The Krana that granted Radar-like senses to the Bohrok was called what? 1年以上前 by Kaymac
an answer was added to this question: Who are your favourite toa of all time? 1年以上前 by bionicle77777
a comment was made to the link: matanui 1年以上前 by bionicle77777
a poll 追加されました: Who is your お気に入り toa? 1年以上前 by nobleseven
a photo 追加されました: stormer 1年以上前 by nobleseven
a poll 追加されました: who would win in a battle between furno and stormer? 1年以上前 by nobleseven
a comment was made to the poll: Who would win in a battle to the death? 1年以上前 by Draezeth
a comment was made to the poll: What's your お気に入り Bionicle movie? 1年以上前 by vetyking14
a poll 追加されました: Who would win in a battle to the death? 1年以上前 by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the poll: Would it be cool if they made a new bionicle set called bionicle evolution and it showed Jaller, Hali, Kongu, Nuparu, Hewikk, and Takua in different toa armor 1年以上前 by xavierxaphista
a comment was made to the article: Keep the flame alive 1年以上前 by bootsfett
a poll 追加されました: Would it be cool if they made a new bionicle set called bionicle evolution and it showed Jaller, Hali, Kongu, Nuparu, Hewikk, and Takua in different toa armor 1年以上前 by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** 1年以上前 by IceCold3
an answer was added to this question: Who are your favourite toa of all time? 1年以上前 by IceCold3
a question 追加されました: Who are your favourite toa of all time? 1年以上前 by HardPunch
a pop quiz question 追加されました: What is the Great Spirit, Mata Nui? 1年以上前 by dplock
a pop quiz question 追加されました: What is the Makuta of Metru Nui's name? 1年以上前 by dplock
a reply was made to the forum post: お気に入り bionicle 1年以上前 by Reaperrose101
a pop quiz question 追加されました: What Toa did Roodaka trick somehow?(I cant remember how!) 1年以上前 by Wazzup2
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Roodaka secretly planned to awaken_____ 1年以上前 by Wazzup2
a wallpaper 追加されました: Toa Mahri Hahli 1年以上前 by ilovetdi3598
a video 追加されました: Bionicle vs Hero Factory 1年以上前 by ilovetdi3598
a comment was made to the link: Wiki Metru 1年以上前 by Nickthecool
a link 追加されました: creeping in my soul bionicle 1年以上前 by Nemesis5784r
a pop quiz question 追加されました: Who created Mata Nui? 1年以上前 by BladePorcupine
a comment was made to the poll: what is your お気に入り bionicle? 1年以上前 by Renarimae