Ariel Club
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added by haley_scott
added by Elephant747
added by Flounder13
Source: Google
added by haley_scott
added by kristenfan10109
added by Onekchick16
Source: House Of マウス Frenzy Kïtchen Pack The House Level 4
added by PrincessFairy
posted by Takuya
This is another of my character articles
I hope あなた enjoy it.

Ariel is unique among the ディズニー princesses thanks to her red hair and for being a mermaid.
She has been called a "fully realized female character who thinks and acts independently, even rebelliously, instead of hanging around passively while the fates decide her destiny."
She has aslo been 発言しました to be a template for future ディズニー ヒーローズ and heroines.

She was desinged によって Glen Keane that has 発言しました to have based her on his wife, the actress Alyssa Milano and female model Sherri Stoner.

Her Personality
Can be described as confident,...
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 My Favourite childhood princess
My Favourite childhood princess
Well as あなた know I have loved The Little Mermaid since I was 8 years old and I was so obsessed with it. I had the doll of Ariel but she broke, the ornament of Ariel(which I got in Disneyland Paris back in 2006),the Sebastian toy(I got in McDonalds),the ヒラメ key ring(I got free in a book),the storybook of it, and finally the PJ’s of Ariel as well as the movie.

I was so fascinated with the movie I loved the film score, the story that goes with it, the colourful characters and the funny sidekicks as well as the 愛 between Ariel (the 愛 struck 16 yr old mermaid who dreams of being part...
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added by PrincessFairy
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: deviantart
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by gemma4scott
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by Evera
Source: evera
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007