アニメ アニメ Links
Here is the .Hack//Roots Playlists episodes for あなた all. So Enjoy. And .Hack//Roots is not a spin off series または an ova series.
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2 fans
A link to my site's フェイスブック page! It's made for アニメ fans! XD Feel free to check it out! ^^
2 fans
This is a link to Super Cosplay Café's forum. It's a family friendly website! Please come 登録する the forums! :)
1 fan
This 記事 is to inform people the diffrence between the .Hack seasons and why they should not compare season 1 of .Hack to Sword Art Online.
1 fan
Here is the Episodes for Air Anime. Enjoy them on YouTube. :-)
1 fan
Air TV is an アニメ created from the same company that does Clannad and Clannad After Story. Please 登録する it. :-)
2 fans
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