Alice and Jasper Fanfics Club
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posted by iemand
The rain was hitting the green canopy above us as a soft sigh.

We were trekking through woodland in west Oregon, and the ground was covered in a thick mass of ferns that came up past my knees. The landscape was so beautiful, I didn't want to rush through it. Just because we could run at incredible speed didn't mean we had to all the time. And well…I was feeling a little nervous. Just a little.

Jasper chuckled.

'You're like Alice in Wonderland. It's as if you've entered a different world.' He paused. 'Well, this is all new to あなた isn't it?'

'It's like homeward bound to me. Accept I've never been ホーム before. I wonder what it feels like.'

I turned to look at Jasper.

'This is it. We're finally here, we've made it,' I laughed. I knew Jasper could feel my enthusiasm and it must be infectious because I could see it reflected in him. I knew that he was happy for me, far もっと見る than for himself. We walked, slower than normal down the path that I knew led up to the front door of the house my family resided in...

'I know how they'll react,' I smiled. 'I...I still feel anxious though.'

Taking the final step フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして I rapped lightly on the large white-painted door, although they had probably already heard us coming up the path. I now heard the quick sound of feet from within.

Within moments it opened. Not too quickly, in case we were human. Just a precaution though. They would have ワカサギ, 錬金術 the blood.

Esme and Carlisle stood right before us, their eyes surprised and cautious but friendly.

Their eyes widened slightly in response to the expression on mine. I believe I looked as if I were hovering somewhere between sobbing and laughter. But they were there, in the flesh; well so to speak.

Esme's thick hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, the gentle sparkle in her eyes and the calmness and beauty she emanated was so much もっと見る intense than in my visions.

They appeared to be waiting for me to speak.

'Esme?' I said, my soprano voice trembling lightly with emotion. 'Carlisle?'

They turned and exchanged a look with each other. Carlisle spoke, still friendly. 'Yes, those are our names. Who are you, may I ask?'

I spoke eagerly. 'I am Alice Whitlock, and this is my husband Jasper Whitlock.'

Rosalie appeared behind them, her confusion and curiosity delicately masked. 'What's this?'

On sudden impulse I stepped foreword and took her in an embrace, laughing softly as surprise lit her perfect features.

'Hey Rose!' Her eyes opened wide in shock. Now she had a small smile on her lips, though. Apparently sudden terms of endearment and displays of affection were not as unwelcome as her previously cool expression might have suggested.

'Well Alice, Jasper, please come in' Carlisle said, enunciating our names in a tone that suggested we were welcome, despite his confusion. 'I can see we may have a lot to talk about.'

'Thank you,' Jasper and I both expressed our gratitude.

'Please, come through to our living room' Carlisle motioned. Hmm, living room. How pleasantly ironic.

Rosalie immediately perched herself on the edge of the sofa with her usual fluency and grace. Usual. I shouldn't really use that word yet, but that's what it felt like. Her expression was keen and interested. She was bathed in a pool of sunlight that poured through the slim rectangle window that reached nearly from the ceiling to the floor, framed either side によって pale blue curtains. The light of mid morning seemed to weave a halo through her golden hair, the colours matching. She seemed oblivious to my stare as she gazed out of the window. I wondered what…or perhaps rather who she was thinking of. I was sure that like Jasper for me, Emmett was in her every thought.

We would have stood, for we had no need of rest of course, but Carlisle and Esme seated themselves and Carlisle indicated hospitably that we should do the same. It seemed so strange yet pleasing at the same time to follow these little human conventions.

This time Carlisle initiated the conversation. 'We noticed あなた do not feed on humans. Rather on 動物 like us? That is very impressive. I hope do not mind our asking, but what made あなた chose that path? '

I was caught up temporarily with his use of 'we'. Of course our eyes gave us away to all of them, but for him to use the plural, a wordless communication must have passed between all of them. I marvelled at the strong family unit they were, longing to be a part of it.

'I have visions of the future' I stated hesitantly; small talk was unnecessary among our kind. 'I was changed in 1923. I saw your family – and your way of life – I had no memory of how I was born, no one to teach me the rules. These visions were probably the only thing that stopped the Volturi from destroying me, because I would have become savage. It took me several years to learn to tame my thirst. However I did not come to 検索 for あなた at this time, for I had other visions…'

I turned tenderly to look at Jasper before continuing, my hand in his. 'When Jasper and I found each other –in 1948 – we began searching for you. And finally we have found you. This may sound strange, but to me you're like old friends. And well, I know we've sprung on あなた so suddenly – believe me we would have sent a letter explaining everything if we'd only we'd known where to send it to – we would truly be grateful if あなた would be so generous as to let us… 登録する your family.' My eyebrows knitted together, as I waited with genuine nervousness for their reply. Perhaps I had been too 迅速, スウィフト in asking their acceptance.

Esme stared into my wide earnest eyes for a moment and then gingerly rose and took a step towards me, one arm outstretched. I stepped フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to give her an embrace which she quickly returned.

'Oh thank you, thank あなた so very much!' I gasped, for I took this as her answer.

I already felt at home. I wondered if we had ever been anywhere else.

'Of course' Esme murmured. 'Of course あなた can 登録する us.'

Jasper stood up then, taking my hand once more, and placing his other hand on them entwined. 'I should warn you, before あなた 確認 your answer; as much faith as my darling Alice has in me, I am not as strong as her. I no longer feed off humans, but I struggle tremendously. I have been sustaining myself off humans far longer than I have been abstaining from them. I fought in the vampire wars of the south, and for over a century I have been murdering whenever I wished. It was Alice who saved me, changed me; I changed for her.'

'In this family, we expect nothing from each other save 愛 and understanding. If one of us were to… fail, the rest of us would not turn away from them.'

He turned around. 'Rosalie, what are your wishes? Would あなた be happy for them to 登録する us as part of our family?'

He turned to Rosalie. Her expression, eager but reserved, didn't change, but she nodded kindly. 'Yes'

'In that case, welcome to our family. My sons Emmett and Edward will return soon and I will of course ask their opinions, although I feel assured of their answers. We would be honoured to have あなた 登録する us in our way of life.'

It was mid afternoon two days later when my bothers Emmett and Edward were returning from their hunting trip. Of course I had had some pre warning and I waited restlessly for their return, Jasper still calm at my side.

At that moment we heard Edward and Emmett burst back into the house.

'Who's here?' Emmett called. Rosalie immediately rose and went out to see him. We heard a quick interaction and a few moments later and two pairs of eyes stared at us from the doorway. Edward's was already plastered in shock; he would have been able to hear our thoughts from some distance away. Emmett merely looked surprised. His face then broke out in a grin. 'Is it true what Rose said?' he asked. He simultaneously put his arm around Rosalie, who placed her hands on his chest and rested her head on his broad shoulder, giving an almost imperceptible sigh of contentment. 'Are あなた guys joining our family?'

'This is Alice and her husband Jasper. It seems they have had quite a journey but they have been searching for us for some while. Alice, Jasper, these are my sons Emmett and Edward. Esme and Rosalie and I agreed yesterday accept them joyfully as part of our family. I assume あなた Emmett, Edward are happy with this decision? Edward, I'm sure あなた are already becoming acquainted but I am certain they have much もっと見る they want to share with us all.'

Edward's POV

'Edward', she sang and ran up to embrace me. Even my 晩餐, 夕食 quick senses had been temporarily stunned and were slow to react. I tried to quickly unravel the jumble of her thoughts and get a hold of the situation before she lifted me up and swung me around a full circle. Yes, size can be deceptive.

'I'm sorry' she apologized, 'it just seems like you're my brother already.'

I suddenly picked an image out of her head. My forehead furrowed in confusion.

'Alice, why are my things in the garage?' I was surprised at the way that I 発言しました her name, like I already knew her well.

'Your room had the best view.' One eyebrow raised, I could see that she was fighting a smile.

I appraised her, wondering how she would react if I ruffled her hair. 'Don't try it' she thought.

'I'll get あなた back, Alice Cullen'.

'Not if I see it coming.'

And so our new life began.

---------THE END----------