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BopBopBaby について発言しました Jeremy & Bonnie
750!!!!! 投稿されました 1年以上前
BopBopBaby について発言しました Jeremy & Bonnie
Something sort of new from a JP interview. "Jeremy and Bonnie are still very much on the rocks. They haven’t had any closure to their relationship." Thank goodness she acknowledges that there's still closure to be had for both. 投稿されました 1年以上前
Roxi_Arwen コメントしました…
I'm actually surprised she 発言しました they had no closure. We all know they didn't, but I know what the writers are capable of doing and forgetting. Maybe there's still some hope for them yet. Maybe. 1年以上前
BopBopBaby コメントしました…
I was surprised that she knows too. We'll find out if there is any hope when the 表示する comes back. 1年以上前
big smile
gingerangel16 がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my images
Just a リスペクト u dont have any 投稿されました 1年以上前
BopBopBaby について発言しました Jeremy & Bonnie
Excuse me Julie, where was the game changing scenes for Jeremy and Bonnie? I'm betting she meant for them as individual characters. She's so misleading. They've had one scene in 5 episodes. So Lame. 投稿されました 1年以上前
i swear the writers don't care about this pairing at all... 1年以上前
BonnieBfan コメントしました…
JP really just needs to be quiet, nothing happened in this episode regarding them as a couple. They really need scenes togther 次 week. 1年以上前
BonnieBfan コメントしました…
On your wrong they've had two scenes together. If they put half as much attention on them as they do Forwood they would better than they all ready are 1年以上前
BopBopBaby コメントしました…
I agree, it makes no sense that there is still no follow up to Bonnie admitting that she loves him. 1年以上前