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What Jungle Animal Are You?



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xangelx said:
You Are an Elephant

You always think before you talk. You consider your words carefully.
You are very observant and are always collecting data. You have a sharp and extensive memory.

You seek meaning and purpose in every part of your life. An empty life terrifies you.
You are reserved about expressing your true self. You are shy around strangers.

posted 1年以上前.
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big smile
carsfan said:
You are a Pelican

You are ingenious and resourceful. You have an offbeat way of doing things, but it works.
You are creative and innovative. You delight in finding new ways of doing things.

You are well grounded, but you also seek freedom. You need independence in order to grow and thrive.
You have your own vision, and it's important to you to express it. You embrace your quirks.

true! :D
posted 1年以上前.
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ecpjll said:
You Are a Zebra

People gravitate toward you. (TRUE)You are usually the happiest person in the room.(FALSE)
You are a unifying force.(MAYBE?) You bring people together from many different walks of life.(TRUE)

You are a joy to be around, and people love you for being exactly who you are.(TRUE)
You are totally comfortable with where you are in life. (TRUE &/OR FALSE)You accept yourself and your life circumstances. (TRUE)
posted 1年以上前.
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You Are a Pelican
You are ingenious and resourceful. You have an offbeat way of doing things, but it works.
You are creative and innovative. You delight in finding new ways of doing things.

You are well grounded, but you also seek freedom. You need independence in order to grow and thrive.
You have your own vision, and it's important to you to express it. You embrace your quirks.
posted 1年以上前.
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You Are an Elephant (hey, I might've gained a little weight but that's just insulting! ;) )

You always think before you talk. You consider your words carefully.
You are very observant and are always collecting data. You have a sharp and extensive memory.

You seek meaning and purpose in every part of your life. An empty life terrifies you.
You are reserved about expressing your true self. You are shy around strangers.

posted 1年以上前.