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Christians against Harry Potter



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Gosh, I hope it's a joke! It's so STUPID!
posted 1年以上前.
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kaatie said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this article I haven't laughed this hard in a while :D I'm pretty sure they're joking in this, I mean how could anyone be serious?
posted 1年以上前.
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posted 1年以上前.
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'J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, is a witch and in league with Lucifer himself'

Right from the first line, I knew this person was a Douche.
posted 1年以上前.
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Come on guys, it has to be.

"Harmiony sends her parents to Australia, the s***hole of the earth, to forget about her. This is sick!"


"He dispises grownups and authority...He keeps attacking Drako Malfoy...Lupin is a werewolf who is a werewolf so he can keep attacking students. He attacked Harry and his freinds Harmioney and Ronald."

And I'm not even going into the disgusting racist and homophobic language here. NOBODY has those opinions. They can't. It's a stupid, pointless troll. Have you heard what they were saying about Dumbledore? And pffft; what children would say they want to kill their parents or RAPE A CAT? Idiot. And these "quotes" were from children with names like Ginny Lupin, Emma McGonagall, Remus Fletcher and Flitwick.
posted 1年以上前.
last edited 1年以上前
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bri-marie said:
How serious is this?
That's something we'd all like to know as well.

And this, right here, is why I despise many overtly religious people. More often then not, they are closed minded morons who seem to think that by doing the opposite of what God actually wants them to do (telling everyone they are going to Hell for believing and living differently then them). Sadly enough, I have heard these claims. Granted, not all together (usually it's been just one or two of these reasons) and not quite so oafishly/psychotically, but these are "legitimate" reasons many "God-followers" are against Harry Potter.

This greatly reminds me of the wackos that run The Westboro Baptist Church.
posted 1年以上前.
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clarion said:
this is the most stupid i have ever read. as a big fan of harry potter this is an insult. how funny dose religion think it is, going around critizing people immagination. j.k rowling used her talent well, for God sake it is just a film! its not the guys who acted in harry potter are really wizards. i agree with you bri-marie they are too close minded to differenciate between immagination and creativity from reality. they believe if you don't behave like them you go to hell. geez this is so annoying.
posted 1年以上前.
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oh they can't be serious this is totally a joke hahahah
posted 1年以上前.
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emilykuru said:
i dont bother to think about it -*forgets it from this very second!
posted 1年以上前.
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If this is real I have lost all hope in humanity as we know it.
posted 1年以上前.
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Are you kidding me? I stopped reading after the first line. I am a proud Christian, and nothing is Satanic at all about Harry Potter. Geez...
posted 1年以上前.
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I'm a Christian and I know there is absolutely nothing wrong with Harry Potter. This is just ridiculous.
posted 1年以上前.
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Ha Ha i actually saw this religious groups leader on tv and it is 100% true, they actually believe this rubbish, some people are beyond help.
posted 1年以上前.
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Renarimae said:
I'm a Christian and I don't believe that there's anything wrong with Harry Potter. If Harry Potter is evil, then so is Beauty and the Beast, Wizard of Oz, Sleeping Beauty, Wicked, Wizards of Waverly Place, and many other stories that have magic or witches/wizards in them.

And though, as I said before, I'm a Christian. BUT I do really really can't stand religious fanatics. They go WAY too far with their beliefs and start using all these homophobic slurs and start saying all these downright lies. In fact, J.K. Rowling said so herself that she doesn't believe in magic and is a Christian.

And what I've noticed too is that many Christians I know aren't comfortable at all with Harry Potter, yet some of them like or even love Twilight, which has Mormon themes in it. I don't know, but I just find it ironic.

But the point is, I think whoever wrote this is off his/her rocker and that Harry Potter is definitely not evil.
posted 1年以上前.
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I don't think this is a joke. Some people actually hold these opinions. I once attended a religious meeting where the speaker (in front of nearly a 1000 people) said that Harry Potters are demonic and then continued to tell the synopsis of HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban by telling: "At Hogwarts where teenage children are studying Witchcraft, Sirius Black, a mass-murderer of 13 people, is teaching Dark Arts...." And then telling people to stop their children from reading books like this that can contaminate their innocent minds by teaching them that murder and magic is acceptable. And everyone were just nodding in agreement.

It's sad, but this seriously happens. I get really creepy vibes from reading that article because it has all the signs of being the work of a real religious lunatic: poorly marked/out of context references, personal opinions masked behind religious arguments, strong language and a biased way of approaching the subject, masked behind a seemingly worried facade.
posted 1年以上前.
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I am a Christian, and I'd like to interdouce whoever wrote this article to Bellatrix.

posted 1年以上前.
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I really, really cannot stand religious fanatics. Do they realize they're going against God and what he wants them to do? They're not supposed to force their religion on other people, yet they do. They don't preach the word like God wants them to. I hate fanatics like that.
posted 1年以上前.
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Actually I'm Catholic. But I don't find anything satanic in HP at all. This is absolutely stupid! I hope it was joke. I don't want to be mean but, sometimes I get annoyed by people who try to shove religion down our throats.
posted 1年以上前.