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 Darn. I needed a man's help to break this curse! I forgot I was scheduled to 'be a strong independent woman who needs no man' today! I'll have to reschedule for 次 time a curse makes me physically unable to save myself...
Darn. I needed a man's help to break this curse! I forgot I was scheduled to 'be a strong independent woman who needs no man' today! I'll have to reschedule for next time a curse makes me physically unable to save myself...
All right, this is really part analysis and half rant so if あなた dislike the ディズニー Princesses (and if あなた do I don't know why you're here!) または hate the ones who at any point need a man's help (which is all of them, but I'll get to that later), I don't recommend 読書 this.

I also must warn you: I discuss stuff about every princess and we have THIRTEEN NOW, so it'll be long. Feel free to skim to your favorites, though, if あなた wish, to make it shorter.

A lot of ディズニー ファン and critics alike accuse the Princesses, specifically the older ones, of "sitting around waiting for a prince", "waiting for a prince to rescue them", "waiting for a man", etc. Word it a bit differently but it's still the same idea: people for whatever reason have gotten the very inaccurate notion that any of the girls sit, wait, whatever for a man, sometimes one of royal blood.

My points will be these:

1. Did any of them ever at any point "wait" for a man for any reasons?

2. Is it wrong for them to wait for a man for any reason, または want a man または his help?

3. And if so, why?

Now, this 記事 is long enough as it is, so I've decided to スプリット, 分割 my 3 points into 3 parts. Let's start:

Point 1: Do they wait for a man for any reason?

Answer: No, none of them "wait". Only a tiny handful even mention wanting a man at all. Though some DO need help from one. Let's check every princess. I'm sorry to cram every argument for each girl into one big paragraph but I'm trying to keep this 記事 from getting too big!

 Proactive, but not able to break her own curse while... dead.
Proactive, but not able to break her own curse while... dead.

Snow White: in her wishing well song, she sings about wishing for "the one she loves". We don't know if it's a prince, knows him, doesn't know him, whatever. She wants love. She continues to sing, "I'm hoping, and I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say." She wants someone who will not treat her like crap like her own family does, basically. She wants kindness and love. What a horrible person, right? Nowhere does this say "wants a prince". Now, later she falls under a spell and is physically unable to save herself. She need's her love's キッス to break it because ディズニー generally sees 愛 as the ultimate magic, stronger than anything. Unknowing of her curse または what will break it, the grieving prince bids her a farewell キッス and breaks the spell. She never asked him to. But as she COULD NOT HELP HERSELF, this is fine. The dwarfs tried to save her, but they were too late. And for most of the movie, Snow White actually helps herself または accepts help when she needs it.

 Oppressed によって women, but self-reliant when she needs to be and never "waited" for a prince.
Oppressed によって women, but self-reliant when she needs to be and never "waited" for a prince.

Cinderella. I've watched this movie maybe 60 times in my life and never ONCE seen the part where she says, "I'm dreaming of a man to rescue me from my despair, and in the meantime I'll passively do my chores and nothing else!" She sings about her dreams of happiness coming true. We don't know what she means によって happiness- likely just not the misery her stepfamily brings her. She never even thinks of the prince till AFTER she realizes it was him she danced with at the ball. For the entire movie, she talks about dreams, not princes saving her. She cannot do anything to get herself out of her situation- not without being punished. It's common sense and any history book will 表示する あなた what little resources women had for the majority of history, including the French 1800s. She did all she could for herself によって keeping herself 安全, 安全です under a roof and not antagonizing her oppressors (also note: it is women oppressing her, not the Patriarchy here. It's women who are hurting her, which many critics seem to forget). Then she took the one chance she had of going to the ball によって accepting the help offered to her for her general goodness によって the mice and godmother and meets a guy she clicks with, who turns out to be the prince, who ends up marrying her and whisking her out of a horrible trapped situation.

 Too responsible to be blindly proactive, but again, could not save herself while sleeping.
Too responsible to be blindly proactive, but again, could not save herself while sleeping.

Aurora. Again, like with Snow, she fell under a spell that was destined によって a sorceress to happen and also needed true love's キッス to break the spell. Philip found her lovable- so much that he risked his life to save her from eternal sleep. (Don't give me the "magic weapons" excuse- あなた would be terrified to face a sentient dragon even with a nuke, admit it). This works. But let's back up: we see most of Aurora as she muses to herself in the woods. Where does she moan about needing a man? In "I Wonder", she connects a pattern observed によって the birds regarding relationships. She muses if she copies them によって 歌う a 愛 song if someone will hear it and find her. Do あなた know why? She's known no one but her aunts, three elderly ladies, and cute 動物 her entire life. She has no フレンズ outside of them, let alone her own age, let alone romantic choices. It's basic human nature to desire companionship, especially of the romantic kind, especially as she's becoming a woman. She wants 愛 and company, not "rescuing によって a man".

 Gets saved によって a man and saves him as well.
Gets saved によって a man and saves him as well.

Ariel. I admit, I also used to think Ariel blindly left her family for some guy, but listening to "Part of That World" shows that's incorrect. Ariel for a long time has wanted to 登録する the human world. She has no idea how she can do it, though. Then she sees Eric and is smitten. Then her dad finds out and, shocked and angry, blows up her human artifacts. This pushes her. Ursula's eels offer her the chance to become human によって seeing Ursula, and in an emotional state, she accepts. So while Eric was what drove her to really try, it wasn't why she originally wanted to go. And Eric does save her from Ursula at one point, but Ariel also rescues him from drowning. Needing help isn't needing to be rescued because you're too weak and helpless to do it on your own.

 Didn't wait for a man, but a man chose to help her anyway.
Didn't wait for a man, but a man chose to help her anyway.

Belle. In the beginning, Belle does not want any of the men in her village. She wants "someone" who understands her, presumably a romantic someone, but we don't really know for a fact. She wants adventure and something exciting and someone to share it with. That's not needing to be rescued. Later when she runs out of the 城 she does need to be rescued from the wolves, and I do think if she hadn't done that she wouldn't have needed saving at all, but I don't hold it against her. She seemed scared enough and was もっと見る concerned for her safety at the time than her promise (but she also wouldn't have been scared if she'd not invaded the Beast's personal space, yes, but still). She was in trouble, basically, and could not take on wild 動物 によって herself. Rescued, yes, but not because she purposely decided to go for a walk in the dark woods and just sat there waiting for Gaston to come make her some 狼, オオカミ pelts when they circled her.

 Needing some saving but always tried to do things entirely on her own.
Needing some saving but always tried to do things entirely on her own.

Jasmine. ジャスミン in the beginning does not want any of the suitors. She wants to decide who she marries, if she marries at all. She runs away and her naive understanding of payment gets her nearly de-armed. アラジン saves her from this, yes. アラジン also saves her from Jafar later on. And ジャスミン does often act like she doesn't need help, but she does. And that's OK. She certainly does try to tackle things on her own, even if may fail sometimes. She never "sits around waiting for a prince" または waiting to be rescued for no reason.

 Never really needed rescuing at all because she was never in real trouble.
Never really needed rescuing at all because she was never in real trouble.

Pocahontas. I don't really remember her ever getting rescued, really, because she rarely got in trouble. Kokoum certainly tried to "rescue" her, if あなた can call it that, from John Smith. She almost got killed によって her dad, who stopped himself just in time, but that doesn't really count.

 Gets saved BECAUSE she saved a guy. Generally respected men and their assistance.
Gets saved BECAUSE she saved a guy. Generally respected men and their assistance.

Mulan. Now, here あなた snicker and think, "Heheh, no need to do one for Mulan, she NEVER gets rescued, she's totally self-reliant!" Well, no, I'm definitely doing one for her because she is not totally self-reliant, and that's absolutely fine. She would be inhuman if she could do everything herself. Now, earlier in the movie, ムーラン DOES agree to marry a stranger to bring her family honor, but that's not getting rescued. Later, when she is discovered, Shang does in fact save her from death: he chooses to ignore the law and not kill her as punishment, remembering that she had previously saved him. Later on, I think he also saves her from Shan Yu when he almost gets her but I haven't seen this movie in ages, so tell me if I'm wrong there. ムーラン does rely on men for help sometimes because she can't do everything, but, as her もっと見る obnoxious stans like to say, she never waits for a "prince" to save her. (Probably because she doesn't know any too...) On a side note, I think it's interesting that the fanatics of ムーラン (not あなた nice, normal fans) praise her for not wanting または needing a man when virtually everything she does is for a man (save her dad, obeys Shang, saves the Emperor, helps men in general). This also doesn't mean she's a doormat to men but it's interesting to consider.

 Relied on a man to achieve a non-romantic goal and needed his help when it was beyond her power to help herself.
Relied on a man to achieve a non-romantic goal and needed his help when it was beyond her power to help herself.

Tiana. Similarly to Mulan, people 愛 to gush about how independent Tiana is, how she "don't NEED no man!" Well, she does. Not regarding her restaurant, which is half her dad and half her own endeavor, but she does 1) rely on a man, in a sense, to achieve her dream, and 2) get saved によって Naveen later when the frog hunters capture her. She doesn't exactly stand much of a chance on her own against humans. As for the kiss-for-money thing, I think that's the only true "relying a man" thing any of them do. But in her defense, she didn't do it because she was swooning for Naveen- she did it because, like Ariel, she was in a distressed emotional state after losing something she loved and was desperate. And true, later she does say something like "My dream wouldn't be complete without you". This is not needing a prince (even if Naveen IS a prince). This isn't getting saved from trouble. She wants her dream to come true AND share it with the man she loves.

 Didn't dream of a prince but accepted and needed the help and 愛 of a man.
Didn't dream of a prince but accepted and needed the help and 愛 of a man.

Rapunzel. I'll bite: most people think Rapunzel never needs saving, but I personally do think she is one of the princesses who gets saved the most. And I don't look down on her for it. While some say Rapunzel is too perfect and can do everything magically, well, whether this is true または not, she does need help. She does depend on Flynn to guide her to the lanterns, though some argue she could have found the way on her own. I disagree- she was terrified of the world and while I wouldn't advocate trusting a stranger so quickly, she at least considered the fact that a young girl alone in the world is probably もっと見る dangerous than a young girl with a strong man she's blackmailed into helping her. And later, Gothel saves her from the Stabbingtons. GOTHEL. Is a woman rescuing あなた OK, just not when men do it? Right, I'll be sure to remember that... And yes, Flynn risks his life for her freedom. He chose to, she never asked him too. He cared about her もっと見る than his own life. And yes, the big thing is she never did leave her tower till she met a man, but that's simplifying it like people do with Ariel. She always wanted to leave but was too afraid to. Again, she found a bargain with Flynn and secured her safety in his help.

 Very proactive and often rescued, but によって her own mother.
Very proactive and often rescued, but によって her own mother.

Merida. OK, Merida is the only one who probably gets rescued もっと見る than Punzy. Ironically, because we all know she's supposed to personify the anti-damsel! Well, Merida is indeed very independent and wild, but it is because of this that gets her into a lot of trouble and causes her to need the help of others. Her parents save her as a child- doesn't count whatsoever. What, like they'd like a くま, クマ eat their kid? Later, she nearly gets killed twice によって her mother- who remembers her humanity in time to stop herself. Her father saves her from Elinor as well. And Elinor again saves Merida from a bear, Mordu. A lot of this IS because of Merida's own bad choices going back to the witch's deal, true (which is actually a great rarely-taught lesson about consequences I'll have to write about later). But she is not unworthy just because she needs help, even if it's sometimes caused によって her own mistakes.

 Dreamed of true love, gets saved, and ends up being the rescuer.
Dreamed of true love, gets saved, and ends up being the rescuer.

Anna. Anna does want true 愛 in the beginning like some of the Classic girls. But I'd like to nip this in the bud that while there is NOTHING wrong at all with desiring 愛 and company, the movie portrays this as a foolish thing, a mistake Anna learns from. Now. Anna, like Jasmine, tries really hard to do things herself. She sets out determined to fix things herself. But she does rely on others a lot- Elsa for company, Kristoff for a guide, Hans' marriage proposal to her (it's not actually Anna's own idea), Olaf to keep her warm, etc. Notice only one of these saves her, one of these is a girl and one of them isn't even human. Anna is probably the only princess AS flawed as Ariel and Merida. She does mess up- a lot. She does need help. She also tries to help others and do things for herself- when she can. Like with Rapunzel, she's not an idiot, she realizes (well, sometimes) when she cannot do something on her own. And in the end, it's actually her who saves Elsa (and also Kristoff at one point).

 もっと見る reactive than proactive, but never mentioned romance at all, much less being rescued..
More reactive than proactive, but never mentioned romance at all, much less being rescued..

Elsa. For someone with magnificent ice powers あなた would think she never needed saving, right? Wrong. Elsa doesn't want to use them, and even when she does use them once in self-defense she still somehow gets saved, gosh darnitall. Now, famously, like Merida, she does not end up with a man, and also famously, she states no desire of wanting one like Anna (which many have mistaken for never wanting one at all instead of just her story not relating to romance). So a vague prince isn't her dream, if she has any. Elsa does get saved によって Hans (kind of) but it's actually her own sister who saves near the end. It's surprising so many people act like Elsa is this embodiment of feminist independence because I think she's もっと見る of a reactive type of princess like the Classics tended to be than particularly proactive. But other than that, she has no romantic goals/dreams at all.

In short, not a single one of them even once sits down and twiddles her thumbs 歌う as she waits for some guy to bust her out of a tower または something. Very, very few of them even mention a man- the ones who come close to it simply want to be loved and yearn for companionship, which isn't "misogynist" whatsoever last I checked.

Dont being ranty now. Hope あなた enjoyed the article! Correct me if I got any points wrong.
Charm-the Real Feminine Mystique:
"A girl need not have perfect features nor an outstanding figure to be popular. But she should have charm. As Sir James Barrie had Maggie say in his play, What Every Woman Knows, 'If あなた have it, あなた don't need to have anything else; and if あなた don't have it, it doesn't much matter what else あなた have.'

Once あなた have acquired charm, you'll probably never lose it. Especially after あなた have discovered how much happier your life is because あなた are considered to be that charming girl down the street.

To be charming あなた need not to be any particular age, weight または height...
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added by purplevampire
Source: Isaque Arêas
added by purplevampire
Source: BuzzFeed
Here's my quick top10 お気に入り of ディズニー Princess movie songs. I get stuck to a new tune または lyrics far easily, if its hummable and peppy especially. I like listening to songs and don't have particular fixed tastes in genres. Though i find, i tend to gravitate towards pop, rock and Indian music. Very rarely I enjoy classical music, although some that I 愛 become my all time お気に入り and they don't die-out. I guess that's how classic 音楽 is. Anyways, this is my current 一覧 of 上, ページのトップへ 10 favrorites songs from DP movies, it keeps changing for sure as I 移動する onto newer songs.

10. I see the light:...
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.... または Are They? I keep hearing this massive distortion that Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora and sometimes others are "unrealistically perfect". Well first of all, they're not actually "perfect" but yes they strive for it and come pretty close. The number one reason? The earlier DPs were made in a time where families were still valued as well as good morals and they were on their best behavior in front of children, hoping that the kids would learn to embrace positive traits and reject negative traits so they would be もっと見る positive people. They cared もっと見る about well-roundedness, being modest...
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 source: Pete Ware
source: Pete Ware
Okay, so I have come across a lot of criticism against Merida that she is childish, rude, reckless, selfish and what not. But since she's my 2nd お気に入り princess, i'd like to put up a case in her favor for people to consider and see her in better light. I have tried to dissect the movie scenes, probed into possible perspective on various minor details that may have been overlooked.

Why she isn't sophisticated as others:
She no doubt loves both her mother and father, but Merida takes off a part of feisty, loud and unapologetically honest side from her father. She loves to fight with him, laughing...
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The saddest moments from DP 映画 that made me cry and most often they still do. Some are close to ハート, 心 while some are so well enacted and animated that i'm moved によって the simplicity of emotions.

13. 3 good 妖精 put the entire kingdom to sleep:
Despite their best of efforts, they lose Aurora to the spell and the only way to make things work is to put the entire kingdom to sleep, waking only when she awakens. It makes me sad to see them blame themselves for this loss. It doesn't make me cry though, but yes, it puts me in a sad mood.

12. シンデレラ crying in the forest:
More than her dress...
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added by zahraloves1D
Source: zahraloves1D
posted by sweetie-94
Like I stated in my last wallpost I'm about to lose my grandmother and so I decided to write an 記事 about some of the Saddest Moments in the DP 映画 in no particular order (but I'll mention my number 1 in the end of the article). So anyway hope you'll like this article

Brave: The 2nd Sunrise
I may not be a big ファン of Brave, but this scene is sad, when I first saw this movie in the cinemas I cried during this scene and I still find this scene to be quite sad

Cinderella: The Dress Ripping Scene
This scene is so sad to watch everytime, シンデレラ had the chance of finally getting out of the...
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If any of あなた are familiar with character stylization または really art in general あなた might like this article. I'm talking about character stylization in the sense that when the artist is also the 作者 of the character's personality and has written out their every thought in simply the way they are designed. This can also be called "interpreted art" as anyone can perceive it differently, but a common factor still remains that everyone agrees on. BASICALLY I'm going to "guess" what the princess' personality is like based on the way she's drawn, see what the general consensus is on her personality...
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posted by PrincessAyeka12
This is an update to my original list.

My Favourite Things from The Sound of Music
Video: link

This song reminds me of the scene in the woods after she's been scared によって the dark shadowed shapes of the trees. When she asks the 動物 what they would do and starts 歌う With a Smile and a Song. Well this be an alternative song または whilst she' 歌う she could be imagining her favourite things. I can also Snow White 歌う this. It does require a positive sounding vocal so it makes sense.

Earth エンジェル によって Llewellyn & Juliana
Video: link

Her relationship with the Dwarves. She helped them grow and...
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Since this section has been very inactive lately I decided to fresh it up によって 書く another article, about my お気に入り ディズニー Princesses, hope you'll like this 記事 :)

13. Merida

She's the only ディズニー Princess that I don't like at all, but I don't dislike her either, I feel neutral towards her. The main reason might sound weird, but it's mainly because I don't think she fits in the ディズニー Princess lineup, to be perfectly honest I would appreciate her character もっと見る if she wasn't an official ディズニー Princess. Besides that there's nothing wrong about her character except her temper, she's...
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added by LupinPrincess
Source: ディズニー 日本
added by 324anna
Source: thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com
added by Silverrose1991
Source: ディズニー
added by LupinPrincess
Source: ディズニー 日本
added by LupinPrincess
Source: ディズニー 日本
Hello All! Due to my life interfering with my time these days, I took a hiatus from 記事 writing. I also took a hiatus, because KataraLover and Cruella stepped into the void, and took on the “these are horrible characters argument” in a set of ongoing video discussions that can be found on the video リンク page of The ディズニー Princess Club. (My hat goes off to them, as they were dispelling the myths and stigmas surrounding certain unbeloved characters). Great work, guys!!!
    Since this is the last 記事 on the Vices of the ディズニー Princesses, I want to at least say...
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posted by disneymagic93
I have been inspired によって seeing 記事 that defend Ariel on ファンポップ so I thought I would write my own.

Ariel also gets a lot of flack and it drives me insane! People say Ariel is anti-feminist because she gives up her voice to be with Eric. She always wanted to be human. At the beginning of the film she was collecting artifacts of the human world. Do あなた think she was collecting artifacts because of Eric? The song Part of Your World, she wasn't even 歌う about Eric. Her fascination with humans is what lead her to become interested in Eric. If it wasn't her fascination with humans, she wouldn't...
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added by abcjkl
Source: Me