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 So excited to see it this Friday. :D
So excited to see it this Friday. :D
I'm doing this 記事 in honour of the fact that メリダとおそろしの森 just came out, and I can't wait to see it. It's definitely not the typical princess movie. Before we begin, I want to say that I hope hope hope HOPE that Merida will be added to the line-up, because I think she'll add some valuable traits to the line-up, and I think Punz needs another computer animated character in the line-up so she wont look as harsh against the 2D animated princesses. So here goes, my favourite ディズニー Princess movie line-up! :D

10. Beauty and the Beast

No surprise here. If you've read any of my other articles, you'll know I hate this movie with a passion. Why? I don't hate the story, または the message and I 愛 it's animation. So what do I detest so much it's at the bottom of my list? I hate the characters and music. No joke, I hate them. I hate Belle with a passion. I could rant for hours about everything I think they did wrong with her. I can't even finish the movie she ticks me off so much. Then there's the Beast. I really liked what they did with him in the beginning. Then after meeting Belle, he became so... Irritating. I've got no issue with him seeing the light. I just hate how he changed for Belle. And don't deny it people. He changed to appease her. Why? Because if she didn't fall in 愛 with him, he'd be stuck as a Beast forever. How many people have speculated that he might even return to his abusive, angry tendencies. I fully agree. As for the other characters, I genuinely like Lumiere and Cogsworth. Their endless bickering is adorable, and I 愛 their friendship. In a way they remind me of Tiana and Lottie with how unlikely their friendship is. But every other character in this movie ticks me off. I have an extreme dislike for Mrs Potts and Chop. Mrs Potts is the most cliche mother figure I've ever had the displeasure of viewing. She's too good of a mother. It's unrealistic. I've never met a mother like her, one that never blew her 上, ページのトップへ または made people angry. People 愛 her just as much as they 愛 Belle, and frankly I find it annoying and unrealistic. Chip is quite the annoying brat in my eyes, the obvious result of Mrs Potts unrealistic parenting methods. Every word out of his mouth is either overly chirpy sweet または whiney. I think they were trying to make him appeal to us too much. Then there's the villain. Gaston, really? You're not a villain, you're a.. Everyday common run-of-the-mill jerk? That's what he is. All muscles, little brains, thinks only about himself. Very typical, not very threatening. His willingness to do anything to attain Belle, which I don't get since clearly the Bimbettes are prettier, is quite impressive. But despite that, I don't like him. He's way everyday to make an impression on me. Every other character in this movie irks me, annoys me, ticks me off and irritates me. Then there's the music... Why does everybody like this? After listening the soundtrack three times over, I came to the conclusion that this soundtrack is very unmemorable. No wonder I forgot the songs growing up. None of these songs appeal to me, which is odd because Belle's song should appeal to me the most out of all the DP songs. Being odd and wanting adventure are basically me in a nutshell. But I just don't like it at all. Well, this mini rant is done. Up 次 is...

 Never judge a book a book によって it's cover.
Never judge a book a book によって it's cover.

9. Sleeping Beauty

I feel bad about placing this so low. Because I honestly like this movie. I 愛 Aurora, she's the epitome of a fairy tale princess. She has such little screen time though. I 愛 Philip, he's the ultimate knight in shining armour. I fangirl over this couple, I 愛 their romance. The beautiful princess is hidden away in the forest, and one 日 によって chance meets her handsome prince. But they can't be together! Oh, the tragedy. The Shakespeare worthy tragedy. But wait... the lovely peasant girl is really the Princess Aurora? The girl he was supposed to marry? Yes, oh yes! Oh sweet gods of all that is good, how much もっと見る awesome of a fairy tale can あなた get? And I 愛 Once Upon a Dream もっと見る than I care to admit. Then there's the fairies. I loved Merryweather and Fauna. Flora, not so much. They were so different from Aurora, I loved comparing them too her as a child. I mean, come on. They're fairies! When I was younger I used to get physically angry when people thought ティンカーベル was the only ディズニー fairy. And as far as 妖精 go, I thought Tink sucked at the job, and the three 妖精 were pretty boss at it. But the truly most awesome thing about this movie is it's villain: Maleficent. Awesome, is pretty much the best word used to describe her. Sure, her motive might be petty and childish, but it's still pretty bad ass. I mean, she got snubbed at a party, and vowed she'd kill their daughter as revenge. How much もっと見る villainous can あなた get than that? The last thing I 愛 about this movie is it's animation. It's s unique and beautiful and one-of-a-kind. The background were stunning and so other worldly , the characters were so different and angular. Everything about this movie's アニメーション screams for my attention. It's beautiful. All in all, this movie impressed me both as a child and as a teen. So why is it so low? Well, it's a little slow paced. Even as a kid a found myself fast forwarding through certain parts. There's not much characters development in anyone but the fairies, so at the base of it this isn't Aurora's movie. It's the 妖精 movie. People often think that Jasmine's the only one who wasn't the 星, つ星 of her movie, but I beg to differ. Aurora's one of a few princesses who wasn't the story wasn't really about, but it's not really her fault since she was supposed to be asleep. And I hate Skumps. Enough said.

 True 愛 conquers all
True 愛 conquers all

8. The Little Mermaid

Shocker, isn't it? It's not as if I don't like this movie, it's just not my favourite. The アニメーション is stunning, the princess is likeable enough, and the music's pretty epic.What's wrong with it? Well... The likeable enough princess. I've always had a pretty neutral feeling about Ariel, she did plenty of things that annoyed me, but I could see why she did them. She practically sold her soul, and that always got to me. Why? Some might argue it was for a man. But I argue it was to achieve a dream. Like everything other princess, Ariel had something she wanted.To be human. Understandable enough. I mean, how many of あなた wanted to be mermaid? Still want too? Ariel wanted to be a human the way many of us wanted to be princesses または マーメイド または fairies, または how I wanted to be a witch (I know, I'm weird. Get over it.). So I totally get it. I just wish that achieving her dream had been her only motivation. Another thing that I don't like about this movie is how it's not really Ariel's story, considering she doesn't change または learn anything. It's her father's story. Nostalgia Chick's video on The Little Mermaid helped me realise this. Check it out ---> link But on the subject if what I do like, this movie does everything right in my eyes that Beauty and the Beast did wrong. I don't dislike any of the characters. I 愛 Sebastian, I used to wish I had a friend like him growing up. I even like Scuttle, and that's saying something. And the 音楽 is some of the most memorable 音楽 ever made によって Disney. Part of Your World has always had a special place in my heart. :)

 Follow your dreams no matter the cost.
Follow your dreams no matter the cost.

7. Pocahontas

I loved this movie so much when I was a kid. I was actually one of those weird kids who watched the sequel non stop too. Pocahontas was one of those characters I just wanted to be. I wanted to jump of cliffs and have water fights with a best friend. This will sound weird, considering I wanted to be Pocahontas, but John Smith is the guy I wanted to have as a big brother. Adventurous and friendly, he's the kind of guy I wish I'd had around growing up, and the guy I desperately wanted to have as a brother, even though I have no brothers. The other characters I liked well enough too. I loved Pocahontas's sidekicks Meeko and Flit, and most people don't. I actually liked all of the characters. Even Ratcliffe, though as a villain he falls flat. But his motivation isn't that uncommon. People do a lot of nasty things for money (gold) even today. People do a lot of nasty things because they don't like something too. The English settlers didn't like the Natives, and the Natives didn't like them either. How was this going to be resolved? Murder. That's the harsh truth of it. Don't sugar コート it. Poca's dad as going to murder John Smith in front of everyone, and no one was going to do anything about it.The アニメーション is beautiful in this movie. I like the designs of the characters, even though I prefer the もっと見る Disney-esque characters of earlier movies. The アニメーション in ディズニー 映画 definitely took a kookier turn at the release of this movie, especially after it (The Emperor's New Groove and Lilo and Stitch anyone?). The アニメーション looked less like Disney, but much like the period where they did nothing but that sketchy アニメーション of Robin フード and the 狐, フォックス and the Hound, that period came to a close. The characters are most realistic than earlier characters, but it's not that appealing in 2D, the same way many don't find 2D style アニメーション in computer graphics appealing. (Tangled still gets hate for that.) As far as 音楽 goes, I 愛 Just Around the River Bend so much that words can not describe, but I hate Colours of the Wind. I'm not even sure why. It's a beautiful song, with a great message. But I think it's too preachy for Poca's originally intended to be wild personality. (I wish they'd kept the wild girl the entire movie) I liked every other song though. One thing I'd like to add though is I've never found this movie boring. The opening scene drags a bit, but the rest of the movie has never been boring for me. I'm absolutely mesmerized from beginning to end whenever I watch this movie.

 Treat others and nature with respect.
Treat others and nature with respect.

6. シンデレラ

I never saw シンデレラ as a kid, not even once. I seriously regretted that after I watched this barely even a 月 ago. This movie is a true classic with memorable characters, beautiful アニメーション and amazing characters. It has a stellar villain and awesome comic relief, and a princess that nobody seems to dislike. As a teenager, I oddly like the mice. I find them charming and sweet in their loyalty to Cinderella. The fairy godmother is just amazing. They way she handles magic is really weird, considering it magic. She's all like, "Yeah, I can make pumpkins into carriages. No big deal." And the visual for her magic, I don't think many people realise how well ディズニー does magic. Each movie has it's own "flavour" または "brand" of magic. Cinderella's magic was light and airy and classic, all it seemed to be was some silvery glitter. But it holds the true essence of fairy tale magic in a way that everyone remembers, whether they've seen the movie または not. Something else everyone remembers despite seeing the movie または not is of course, シンデレラ herself. This graceful and hard working princess is the true definition of princess. With her true blue eyes and lovely smile, I can't take my eyes off of her when she's on screen. She's a truly 3 dimensional character, with little things hinting at how 苦い she she is, making how she put up with the abuse even もっと見る admirable. She's easily one of the most beautiful princesses. And the most iconic. With her silver ball gown, not blue, and glass slippers anyone could pick her out of a crowd. And her 歌う voice is one of the best in my opinion. It's so perfect and soothing, imagine having someone sing あなた a lullaby with that voice. Cindy's prince is just as iconic as her, despite his lack of character. His デザイン is unique, simply because no one would think of making a prince look as generic as that. Prince Ferdinand (Snow's Prince) had some flair to him with that cape and horse and 歌う and adventuring and jumping over walls and such, and he looked cute if あなた take away the lips. Prince Charming on the other hand... Eh, あなた can decide yourself. Lastly is the villain, and her associates, her daughters and the cat. Lady Tremaine is such a cruel and terrifying character that I just want to slap in the face. It makes me wonder if she had a troubled childhood. I also wonder how the Step-Sister's and Lucifer would've turned out if they'd been raised like Cinderella. They'd probably be kind and decent too, just not as pretty. Although a もっと見る flattering hairstyle and wardrobe would definitely help these too. The cat, well I'm a cat person, so I'm convinced there's some good in that little kitty.

 Treat others as あなた would like to be treated, and あなた will be rewarded.
Treat others as あなた would like to be treated, and あなた will be rewarded.

5. 塔の上のラプンツェル

What's not to like? Great princess, great prince, great villain, mediocre music, stunning animation... This movie is hard to hate. I have to admit CG works well for Tangled, because hand drawing all of that hair would've been tedious and annoying. But one can't help but wonder what if Punz was in 2D? Well, she wouldn't stand out as much around her other princess peers. Her eyes wouldn't seem as huge, she wouldn't have freckles. A lot of her unique physical attributes wouldn't work in the land of hand drawn animation. Rapunzel was pretty good movie to open up the ディズニー Princesses to CG. Eugene is fantastic. A mixture of the dashing prince, comic relief and a pinch of villain. He really is a great character. A little exaggerated at times, but none the less great. His back story makes sense. After a troubled childhood, he set out to erase that troubled child and be the best he could be in the only way he could. によって being a selfish thief. I think his childhood was a lot worse than he let on, so he put up all kinds of walls. He probably had reasons to be 苦い against people, but didn't 表示する it. Which would explain why he wanted to be alone with his money. The villain is amazing. Like Gaston, there are people out there like her. But unlike Gaston, her theatrics and dramatizations of her behaviour made me wonder why. Why was she was so scared of loosing her youth, and ultimately, dying. She reminds me of Voldemort in that aspect. Death must be avoided at any cost in her world, even if it means hoarding a gift または stealing a baby. In many ways, she represent the little voice in the back of the mind of all people. That voice that does nothing but chants your not good enough, but then tricks あなた into being it's friend によって offering praise and admiration. I think Gothel loved Rapunzel back, in her own twisted way. But that didn't change the fact that death was fast approaching Gothel. The side characters are pretty good too. Maximus is a bit overrated in my opinion, the same way Pascal is underrated. Pascal was Punz's only friend in that tower. Staying with her even though he wanted to go outside probably took a lot of self sacrifice and loyalty. He was a valuable character. あなた might need him, but Rapunzel definitely did. Maximus was kind of nothing もっと見る than a plot device, until the end when he and Eugene made up. The detailed アニメーション is beautiful, particularly on Rapunzel's dress. My only complaint? The music. I wish they'd done something もっと見る epic. The lyrics were amazing, but the pop-ish sound just killed the soundtrack for me. The score was beautiful. But really, where does modern 日 pop 音楽 fit with fairy tale Europe? No where, in my opinion.

 Always follow your heart.
Always follow your heart.

4. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Considering most of my preferences are for the modern ディズニー Princess films, this one might seem a bit weird. But I've always loved this movie. It holds a special place in my heart. The animation, the music, the characters, the villain. I 愛 every 分 of it. This is one of the few 映画 I saw as a very young child, and still 愛 to this day. Snow is such a positive character, and she's had such an impact on my life. I 愛 everything about her, and I feel as if we'd understand each other. Everybody needs a little optimism in their lives, and mine comes in the form of this ebony haired miss. She's simply adorable. Her prince is adorable too. I 愛 Ferdinand, he's too cute for words. If he lacked the red lips and had もっと見る screen time, I think he'd be a true ファン favourite everywhere. The villain is awesome. The Evil クイーン is terrifying in her vanity. Her knowledge of black magic is cool considering this is a children's film. And who can forget that scene with the skeleton and the water pitcher? Scary. Just scary. The transformation scene gives me chills to this day. She makes me wonder what Snow's father ever saw in her. No doubt she killed him (Just kidding... または am I?) and then she set out to kill his daughter. Every scene with her just has that menacing air. She's scary, and evil, if a bit questionable. The Dwarfs are amazing. Each one has a distinct personality that あなた can't help but love. Grumpy is my favourite, obviously. I 愛 how he cares about Snow, but works so hard to 表示する it. as for the animals, let's just say my ハート, 心 always cries out for that poor turtle. On the subject of music, I'm one of the few that loves Snow's voice and finds it timeless in a different way. It's iconic and あなた could recognize it anywhere. The 音楽 is charming, memorable, sweet and had a lot of impact on me. The アニメーション is beautiful, better than some of the 映画 released in the past ten years. It's charming and has texture. It's truly unique to Snow White world, あなた don't find it in any other movie. Why do I 愛 this movie so much though? Well, this is the movie that keeps me dreaming. It's underlying messages, the music, the characters, and all in the all the fact that Walk went out on a limb with this one makes this the movie that makes me really believe I will achieve my dream as a writer. And that's why this movie will always be in my heart.

 Never loose an optimistic outlook, and always work hard.
Never loose an optimistic outlook, and always work hard.

3. ムーラン

The ultimate chick win movie. ムーラン sets out to bring honour to her family によって defying her culture's customs. Why is it Disney's もっと見る ethnic stories have much もっと見る epic plots? ムーラン is a clumsy, awkward young girl who just wants to make her parents proud. Even if that means willingly walking into an arranged marriage. When she fails to impress the matchmaker, ムーラン returns ホーム ashamed and guilty. She feels bad she can't be the girl her parents need her too be. She's ashamed she can't the be girl she and her culture want to see. I think she kind of hate herself sometimes for being so... Different. ムーラン stands out from other girls because she's smart and takes initiative. Then when her father's life comes into play, she makes the ultimate sacrifice and goes off to war. At first, she's a flop. She still can't do anything right. But eventually, all her hard work pas off and she becomes a 星, つ星 pupil. With the help of one of the most awesome side kicks in ディズニー history, Mushu, and the pretty solid Cri-Kee and her horse Khan of course. During all of this, we have some pretty good 音楽 that does ディズニー justice. Honour To Us All and I'll Make A Man Out Of あなた are very stereotypical songs, but do the movie justice while both being pretty epic. And face it, everyone knows the words to I'll Make A Man Out Of You. Reflection is haunting song with beautiful vocals and meaningful lyrics anyone could relate too at some point in their lives. The movie moves along to 表示する the death of Shang father によって the hand of the huns. Shang is a pretty awesome character. He's loyal and knows how to win a war. I like the romance between him and Mulan. That little flash of relief on his face when he sees Mulan's a girl and realises he's not gay is one of my favourite moments in the movie. It's so subtle, a lot of people miss it. Then his awkwardness around ムーラン after than at her house, after she won the war and killed Shan-Yu. Death によって fireworks. Amazing. The movie also shows some pretty cool comic relief in the soldiers, and some great music. But most importantly, the focus of this movie is family. Fa Zhou's relief and joy at seeing Mulan's alive is easily one of the most touching moments in ディズニー history to me. Yeah, he was proud of her and everything, but most importantly his beloved daughter was alive. Flaws and all, he loved her. Her mother and grand mother obviously care too, and add to the family dynamic. My only problem with this movie was the ending. The partying felt too Dreamworks for me, and the chickens kind of killed it. Other than that, this movie is fantastic. And my little review could never do it justice.

 Be true to heart, and 愛 your family.
Be true to heart, and 愛 your family.

2. アラジン

My 上, ページのトップへ two were a close shave. And a surprising one. アラジン has always been one of my favourite movies. As far as characters go, アラジン can do no wrong in my eyes. He's the character I've always had the biggest connection with my whole life. His story is the most amazing. I never wanted a fairy godmother, I wanted a genie. I never wanted a prince, I wanted アラジン the 通り, ストリート rat. This movie had such a huge impact on me, it's nothing to joke about. The friendship between Al and Genie was one of the best things in the movie, and it made me hope that one 日 I could have a friend just as awesome as Genie. The chemistry between Jas and Al was amazing, and I'm kind of jealous of it. Speaking of Jasmine, she's an amazing princess. Beautiful and rebellious, and her want for freedom and 愛 is shown in a way totally different from the other princesses. ジャスミン is one of my favourite princesses, for good reason. She's a good person at her base. People often ignore this because they don't like people who speak their mind apparently. She's good at acting, is easily the sexist princess and has a pet tiger. Other characters in the movie were great too. I loved the Sultan. If I had a dad, I'd want him to be like him. But damn, Jasmine's mom must of been one stunner to produce a girl like Jas. Other things I 愛 include the animation. It's my favourite アニメーション besides Snow White. The exotic feel was there the entire movie, the desert was so vast, the magic was very unique によって even ディズニー standards. The 音楽 is amazing. I always have one of the songs stuck in my head for weeks after watching it. Weirdly, A Whole New World is my least favourite song. Never Had A Friend Like Me is my favourite. It was big and flashy and showed one of the biggest things in the movie: アラジン and the Genie's friendship. The theme, the diamond in the rough, was one that stuck with me through my entire life, too. I loved the villain too. Jafar was scary with his power. He knew what he wanted, and he worked for it. In many ways, he reminds me of Frollo because he was obviously sexually attracted to Jasmine. And in other ways he reminds me of Ursula, because of the lengths he went to for power. He was scary, but still entertaining. He might not of reached the height of say Maleficent's bad-asssery but he did a satisfying job as a villain. This is a movie that has stuck with me through the years just like Snow White and Mulan, and it's the movie that gave me my passion for Disney. In fact, it's only 秒 によって a few shades. I 愛 it just as much as my first, even もっと見る than my first sometimes. This movie has so many happy memories, and it will probably always be in my 上, ページのトップへ three. But on too my # 1...

 Be careful what あなた wish for, and believe in yourself.
Be careful what あなた wish for, and believe in yourself.

1. The Princess and the Frog

I'm just as shocked as あなた are. At first, I disliked this movie. I saw parts of it, and thought I wouldn't like it. Then it was in the middle of my list. I thought it was going to stay there when I considered 書く this article, but then I realised this is constantly my go-to movie. I 愛 this movie. Everything about it. Tiana is fabulous. Disney's first black princess could've been a hit または miss, but for me she's definitely a hit. A beautiful, independent, hard working young woman is for sure what young girls need to see もっと見る of. Naveen is amazing, I realise I 愛 him もっと見る than I give him credit for. He's hilarious and fun, and I 愛 how awkward he gets around Tiana before his proposal. As a couple I adore them. They're such a sweet and unlikely match, but a great example of how opposites attract. People who hate on them for being so different forget how different Ariel and Eric were, または ジャスミン and アラジン were. I think Tiana and Naveen balance each other out perfectly. They're too ends of a spectrum, and together they make a great team. Lottie is probably my favourite supporting character in any ディズニー movie. She's so outrageous and out there, she's amazing. I like the side kicks, Louis and Ray. They're definitely different and add something to the line up. 線, レイ is one of my favourite characters in the aspect of his 愛 for Evangeline, and has one of the most magical deaths for me. He turns into a 星, つ星 for goodness sake! Mama Odie is pretty hilarious for a good guy, and she's a decent play on the Wise Old Man archetype, except... Well, she's Mama Odie. Every other character is unique and enjoyable, and I remember every single on in this, except save for Lawrence. He annoyed me. As far as the villain foes, well Facilier is awesome. His villain song is awesome, it's 上, ページのトップへ two for me. This song can only be beat out によって Poor Unfortunate Souls. Also, Facilier's a pretty bad 尻, お尻 villain to me too. Come on, he obviously sold his soul guys, and he uses voodoo. His デザイン is original, and he's nothing like any other villain we've had before. What else do I 愛 about this movie? Well for one... Jazz music. JAZZ MUSIC. I 愛 jazz music. I've always had a deep 愛 for jazz music. And all of the 音楽 in this movie is amazing to me. Almost There has become my new theme song. I 愛 Down In New Orleans, フレンズ On The Other Side and Ma Belle Evangeline. I 愛 the other songs, even though I wouldn't miss them that much if they were gone. The アニメーション is amazing too, it's some of the best in my opinion. It flows so beautifully, and features beautiful backgrounds and beautiful characters. This movie made me want to visit New Orleans. This movie made me want to go back to the 20's. This movie sparked my 愛 of so many things, and I owe a lot to it even though it's still generally very new. Yeah, it has some issues with a complicated plot. But I 愛 it's plot, it gives me an opportunity to think and use my imagination to string this together. The Princess and the Frog is a horribly underrated movie that can definitely hold it's own against the classics in my opinion. But maybe that's just me.

 Never loose sight of what's truly important, and always work hard for what あなた want.
Never loose sight of what's truly important, and always work hard for what あなた want.

Well that's it. My favourite ディズニー Princess movie line up. I think you'll agree it's very different from most people's list. I hope あなた liked it, and コメント if あなた have any other opinions, because I'd 愛 to hear it. :)
Okay I’m a week late but here is my 記事 about watching Sleeping Beauty for the first time in years!

Like the 記事 for Snow White and Seven Dwarfs I will write about;

1. How much I enjoyed/disliked the movie as a child

2. How much I have forgotten

3. Princess (will she be higher on my 一覧 または lower?)

4. Movie (will the movie be higher on my 一覧 または lower?)

5. Rating

6. How much has my opinion changed?

7. Would I watch it again?

Tonight's rewatch: Sleeping Beauty
Last time watched: February 14, 2009 (had a movie marathon that day)

So, how much did I liked または disliked this movie as a child?

continue reading...
Featuring Beauty and the Beast!
 ロンドン Eye Fireworks!
London Eye Fireworks!
Hi guys, since I had done for クリスマス already, here is their New Year's Eve activities.

1. 食 Organisers

Once again, Snow White and Tiana will organise the 食 presentations.

2. New Year's Decoration Themes

シンデレラ will decide on how the the castle's decoration will look like, it will be fabulous!

3. New Year's Dancing

Princess Aurora choreographs the dance with some classical 音楽 set によって famous composers.

4. Sea Life Party

Ariel will invite all of her フレンズ and her family from the sea, she will ask Sebastian to be the conductor for the orchestra.

5. Games

Belle will organise the games...
continue reading...
Why is シンデレラ such a damsel in distress? link link
animated films
ファン video
added by Ajagirly
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by elsa04
This native American princess has just one dress through out the film, just one. So this may not take long. If I have missed out on a dress that's not mentioned please コメント below and I will definitely cover it on the 次 article.

1. Native dress
This is for a nice dress and is pretty. It's a light brown dress, a blue ネックレス and that's it. It's not really exciting but for and i would not wear it, but its OK. 5/10

Since we are half way through my 記事 of ディズニー princesses (6 left to do the 次 being Mulan) i will now explain the best scores so far on my opinion アンケート and see if あなた would...
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added by MissCinico
Source: baredisneynecessities (tumblr)
added by MissCinico
Source: adisneysoul (tumblr
posted by AaronHaley4ever
Happy (belated) Mothers’ Day, fanpop! I meant to post this yesterday but got busy. In honor of Mothers' 日 this month, I've put together a ranking of how I imagine the princesses themselves would be as mothers. I’m including Anna and Elsa in this list, though instead of assigning them a number their names will be placed in parentheses where they would fall on the list, in an effort to keep those who don’t like seeing them on DP lists happy. Let me preface this によって saying this is not set in stone. it's just a prediction based on what I've seen of the princesses in their movies. I don’t...
continue reading...
 The Most Beautiful 愛 Story ever Told!
The Most Beautiful Love Story ever Told!
Hi guys, since the release of Disney's Beauty and the Beast back in 1991. Here are my favourite Pop version of the theme song in no ランダム order and what I think about the song, as well as the singers themselves.

Beauty and the Beast (Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson)

When I first heard the song, I immediately fell in 愛 with it! Especially Celine's voice and the arrangements of it. Peabo Bryson was another amazing singer in his own rights and I was very glad that they were the perfect singers to do this iconic song!
This song has been part of my childhood and I was happy that it is part of...
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added by 3xZ
Kylo Ren and Princess Jasmine?
saturday night live
adam driver
cecily strong
I wanted to write an 記事 on things and concepts from DP 映画 that struck me with awe, left me speechless, inspired me and made me believe that magic is for real. The things that truly symbolized all the charm of magical world.

10. Cinderella's transformation and waltz with Prince:
This is what the dreams should be made of, this is what heavens feel like. Everything poor and dirty will change to new and shining, on flick of a wand. That silvery blue ガウン and crystal white carriage and moonlit path to a 城 makes me sigh. And the waltz was so pure magic, with unbelievably gorgeous moonlit...
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added by cruella
animated film
All right, this doesn't count as a real 記事 によって me. This counts as a ランダム blurb...addressing the DP stereotype that all of the prior ディズニー Princesses save the Revival/ Modern ones... all married their guys the same 日 they met them.

Broken down, as I have watched all thirteen movies... this is what I FOUND out is the ACTUAL CASE.

Snow White meets Ferdinand within the first five 分 of the film, and he woos her so to speak. But many, many, many DAYS PASS before he comes upon her in the coffin in the woods, figuratively "dead" from a poison 林檎, アップル bite. At the end of the movie, Snow...
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added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94