
·July 2007年からファンポップを利用

  • Female, 34 years old
  • Mississauga, Ontario
  • Favorite TV Show: I watch way too many: The Office, Community, 30 Rock, Pushing Daisies, Up All Night, Gilmore Girls, Parks and Rec, Flashpoint, TBBT, QI, WILTY...
    Favorite Movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding, 500 Days of Summer, The Notebook, Easy A, Enchanted, and so many more.
    Favorite Musician: Currently my favourites are Ella Fitzgerald, the Strokes, the Libertines, Julia Nunes, and Pomplamoose.
    Favorite Book or Author: ファンポップ won't let me post them all! So here're some of my favourite authors: L(デスノート) M Montgomery, Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Malcolm Gladwell, and more.
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Dedicated Fan in 22 clubs Dedicated (22) Die-Hard Fan in 15 clubs Die-Hard (15)


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☆ Thanks for the add back ^_^
& Nice to meet あなた 投稿されました 1年以上前
TheCountess 発言しました …
...just created a club for 'Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries' and thought あなた might be interested.
If あなた are, it's at link 投稿されました 1年以上前
TheCountess がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my images
Thanks for adding me. ;)
I like the Cookie Monster アイコン あなた made. 投稿されました 1年以上前