8 lifetime gold
Light falls to darkness; Order falls to Chaos. Trapped behind a mask of lies, the god who knows no other game.
·April 2011年からファンポップを利用
- Female, 26 years old
- Missouri
- My Websites: Tumblr, DeviantART, YouTube
- Favorite TV Show: Doctor Who; The Penguins of Madagascar; Hell's Kitchen; Wipeout; MythbustersFavorite Movie: Napoleon Dynamite; Back to the Future (1,2,3); Ferris Bueller's 日 OffFavorite Musician: Koji Kondo; The Violent Femmes; Luca Turilli; Green Day; ミューズFavorite Book or Author: The Hunger Games Trilogy; 1984; Eragon; Hyrule Historia

について発言しました ペンギンズ FROM マダガスカル …
...... Hi. I've returned from the dead... Again. And I assume that I've missed a ton during my long absence? :3 I was almost scared to come back here, just because I didn't know if I'd find a ton of spoilers to episodes I didn't know were released, but I decided to anyways. So, hi. I'm back again.
投稿されました 1年以上前

がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my images …
Oooo, I like your motto! =3 あなた big LOTRO fan? Did あなた see the new Hobbit film? :D
投稿されました 1年以上前