
·April 2011年からファンポップを利用

  • Female, 26 years old
  • Missouri
  • Favorite TV Show: Doctor Who; The Penguins of Madagascar; Hell's Kitchen; Wipeout; Mythbusters
    Favorite Movie: Napoleon Dynamite; Back to the Future (1,2,3); Ferris Bueller's 日 Off
    Favorite Musician: Koji Kondo; The Violent Femmes; Luca Turilli; Green Day; ミューズ
    Favorite Book or Author: The Hunger Games Trilogy; 1984; Eragon; Hyrule Historia
モザイク 一覧



big smile
DrBsNumber1Fan 発言しました …
Hi there! Merry Christmas! 投稿されました 1年以上前
KowalSkip9 について発言しました ペンギンズ FROM マダガスカル
...... Hi. I've returned from the dead... Again. And I assume that I've missed a ton during my long absence? :3 I was almost scared to come back here, just because I didn't know if I'd find a ton of spoilers to episodes I didn't know were released, but I decided to anyways. So, hi. I'm back again. 投稿されました 1年以上前
mostar1219 コメントしました…
こんにちは 1年以上前
Private1sCut3 コメントしました…
Welcome back! :) What did あなた miss? Well, the last remaining episodes are online.... That's about all I can think of. The club isn't as active as it usually is, so it's been slow here. 1年以上前
KowalSkip9 コメントしました…
asdfhj omg hi!! Oh gosh I completely forgot about this account until I got a notification in my Eメール xD 1年以上前
Private1sCut3 がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my images
Oooo, I like your motto! =3 あなた big LOTRO fan? Did あなた see the new Hobbit film? :D 投稿されました 1年以上前
KowalSkip9 コメントしました…
Sorry for the late reply. XD And thank you! ^^ Yeah, I'm a big ファン of the LOTR series, both the 本 and the movies. :) Yeah! I went to see the Hobbit with my mom and grandma! :D It exceeded my expectations, that's for sure. ^^ 1年以上前
Private1sCut3 コメントしました…
It's no problem. :) That's cool! It's always great to meet people who are ファン of things あなた also like! Like PoM and LoTR! :D Btw, I just noticed I 発言しました LOTRO with a O. xD 1年以上前
KowalSkip9 コメントしました…
I know right? :D I'm always excited when people like the same things with me, so they'll actually understand what I'm talking about when I start ranting about something. XD And I didn't even notice till あなた pointed that out! XDD 1年以上前
Private1sCut3 コメントしました…
Oh. xD And I know what you're talking about! That's why I like this ファンポップ because there's really nobody I know in real life who I can rant on to about PoM with. x3 heh. 1年以上前