·June 2011年からファンポップを利用

  • Female, 26 years old
  • Favorite TV Show: ヴァンパイア・ダイアリーズ
    Favorite Movie: Twilight, and Harry Potter
    Favorite Musician: SHINee
    Favorite Book or Author: The Vampire Diaries, and Harry Potter
モザイク 一覧



HindEssa について発言しました The Maze Runner
I'm (almost) a new ファン of The Maze Runner.. finished the 3 本 recently and watched the first movie several times. I'm absolutely in iove with it! It's nice to meet y'all! 投稿されました 1年以上前
Wahinetoa がについて私にリスペクトを送りました my comments
HUGE 愛 and snuggles for being the awesomeness that is you. <3 投稿されました 1年以上前
HindEssa について発言しました Damon & Bonnie
こんにちは guys! I just wanted to know if any of あなた know anything about Damon and Bonnie in the books? I heard that after L.J Smith got fired, the ghostwriter made Bonnie like a werewolf または something and Damon wanted to let them be.... I want to start read the 8th book since I stopped after the 7th, but I wanna know if there's any hope for Bamon >.< 投稿されました 1年以上前
HaloSupporter コメントしました…
あなた should check the LJ Smith website and if I was you, do not continue the ghostwriter book. LJ Smith not so long ago, decided to continue the TVD as Fanfictions... and yes there is Bamon in them. 1年以上前
HaloSupporter コメントしました…
I think it's just so ridiculous a ghost writer took over her series like that, she shouldn't even have to continue them as fanfiction on kindle. 1年以上前