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 I CAN'T FIND APPROPREATE PICTURES. please do not remove me for this, :( (my pout face)
I CAN'T FIND APPROPREATE PICTURES. please do not remove me for this, :( (my pout face)
They all stopped in awe to see the boiling waters infront of them. Randomly placed holes around, beautiful hot spring liquid.Inuyasha still turned his burned cheeks avoiding any eye contact, it had been this way since last night, Miroku sighed


Everybody exhaled deeply, plunging into their own claimed spots. Sinking into the lovely heat, Miroku found himself pushed out into one furthest from the group, Kagome and Sango were trading period stories (on which he didn't want to 登録する in) Shippo and kilala were tossing their water over the sides... and Inuyasha, in all his demon glory was...
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posted by Silver_Neko
Not really sure how to feel about it
somethin’ in the way あなた move
makes me feel like I can’t live without you
it takes me all the way,
I want あなた to stay…
    Ciel hugged his knees on the corner of his bed. His moon lit room seemed to glow with cold, lonely light as he looked up at the silvery moon. Ciel gave a long sigh. He had been waking in the middle of the night often now, and he couldn’t shake the 苦い feeling of loneliness from his mind. Ciel felt the corner of his eyes burn.
    Damn it…, the earl thought to himself. He honestly had...
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Light lay 次 to L, occasionally glacing at the handcuffs, ever since the night where light yelled out 'RYUK' during sex, L(デスノート) had ignored him completely. "L-" Light started only to see a cold shoulder "what is it Light?" It was obvious in L's voice that he was irretated. "I-I have to take a shower, あなた see I-" "Light-" L(デスノート) rolled over and to Light surprize wrapped his arm around him "I- I don't know if I can trust you" Light relized how even though L(デスノート) had been 芝居 heartless he felt as much pain as he did

"L" Light 発言しました tenderly as he stroked his head "heheh" Light heard ryuk chuckle from the...
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posted by Jizabella
Rivals または Lovers

Please don't read if you're too young. This story contains sex. And あなた can't say i didn't warn あなた because I did. Now enjoy!
by Jizabella

Chapter 1
Rivals または 恋愛中 chapter 1

It was finally Friday, and everybody had plans, well almost everybody. Amy, Cream, and Rouge were all heading to the mall, Silver and Blaze were aabout to go on a date. And Tails and Knuckles were out doing Gawd knows what.

Sonic on the other hand, was on his sofa, watching T.V. He was sorta depressed. Tails had tried almost everything to get Sonic to tell him what was wrong, but Sonic refused on telling him....
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Crona walked out of the DWMA and headed towards Maka’s house. She had invited him over to stay the night, but she had told him to go ahead on his own to the house because she had something to speak to the professor about. He let himself inside and nearly tripped over a bag that was laying in the entryway.
“Whoops! Sorry Crona!”
Crona looked up at Black 星, つ星 who was standing over him. He gazed around the room and saw that all his フレンズ were there; everyone except for Maka.
When Kid noticed that Crona had arrived he began to feel nervous again. “I didn’t know he was coming.”
“Of course,...
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“Stein, stop! Get off!” Spirit pushed at his chest. Stein pressed down on him and kept キス him. His hands slid down Spirit’s body and tugged at his underwear, wanting him completely bare. “Ah! No!”
Stein put one hand over Spirit’s mouth. “What did I tell you? Our neighbors will hear あなた if あなた don’t keep your voice down.” He removed his hand and moved back down Spirit’s body. Stein relieved his lover of his undergarments and his tongue slid over the newly bare skin.
Spirit gasped softly as he felt Stein’s warm tongue on his cold skin. Pleasured moans escaped his lips...
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It had been three days after Spirit had almost 与えられた in to Stein’s advance on him and his ハート, 心 was still aching. He had wanted nothing もっと見る than to allow Stein to touch him, キッス him, pleasure him, but he knew that it would only end in his ハート, 心 being broken again. He couldn’t expect Stein to commit to him. Who was he kidding? He knew Stein would commit to him. It was Spirit himself who couldn’t be expected to commit. He wanted to, but it he didn’t know how. He had never 与えられた all of his 愛 to one single person in all of his life. Yet when he thought of Stein, oh how his ハート, 心 beat....
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The rain had kept miroku awake for the past hour, the constant pattering just reminded him of how tired he was of getting up every 時 to change the barrier. "ahhh, damnit if only 犬夜叉 had helped" he rolled over as he whined "I'm so tired". As miroku stumbled out the door he felt his head spinning "Almost- there" he repeated reassuringly, the walls were smooth, he pressed against them for balance. "so- soft" he lazily sighed. "smooth.... smooth..." as Miroku drifted off he rested his head onto the figure he was clutching onto for balance, than it started moving.

"M-Miroku..." miroku's eyes...
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Watson muttered something under his breath. Sherlock didn't bother to decode it, knowing it was most likely another witty コメント of their situation.

"Oh Watson, dearest Watson I wish あなた would cheer up"

his cold flatmate and colluege sat curled up in a sort of upright fetal potition. A blanket that had small holes chewed through it drapped over his shoulders
still moist from the storm his clothes too wet to wear without catching hypothermia.

"at least we caught the man"

"wrong Holmes,"

he hissed from the beat up bed

"we didn't catch him, we drove him to a trap five miles from here and now were stuck"...
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posted by Silver_Neko
Sing to me songs of the darkness…
Farewell to heaven, my friend.
Come to me, bury your sorrow…
Temptation await the condemned.
    Crona woke with a gasp. He had had a certain song stuck in his head for a week, now, and he didn’t know what to do. Somehow it suited him, though. A lot of depressing songs did. The demon swordsman looked up out of the little window in his room at the DWMA. Light shone down into his room, but missed Crona altogether, making him feel dreary.
    “Ugh…” Crona mumbled as he got up out of bed. He looked out the window again....
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"Lason..." Riki spat from his torn lips. choking on his blood he stood up, though Riki knew that it was a pointless effort and he had lost. "I'll protect Akihiko to the end.." his voice was fading into a whimper. "I don't want Akihiko" Lason still stood dominately above Riki "don't be foolish..." Lason continued and riki felt his body go limp. His head was throbbing and his eyelids slowly gave in "f-fuck you..." Lason whipped out a gun, 'BANG' a stream of blood ran so perfectly down the torn face. Riki now lay still, his struggle was over. "What a pity" Lason 発言しました still towering over the motionless...
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This Fanfic is unsuitable for young viewers. あなた have been warned.

"Liight!" Sayu called to her older brother
"A フレンズ says they're here to see you!" Quickly Light rushed down the stairs to greet the person who claimed to be his friend but was put to slight ease when he saw Ryuzaki standing outside
"May I come in?" Asked Ryuzaki politely. Light nodded then turned to his mum
"Could あなた make Ryuzaki and I some tea?" Light's mother nodded and walked off to the kitchen. Light was about to go upstairs but then noticed Sayu staring at Ryuzaki's crotch
"Hu - hem? Sayu?" Light's younger sister turned...
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It had been a week since L(デスノート) had handcuffed him to light, and 4 days since both had confessed their feelings. It had also been four days that misa had been clipped to Light's arm, since he yelled at her she hadn't 与えられた him a 秒 to himself. "oh light" misa 発言しました as she tugged his arm "remember when you-" misa was cut off によって Lights hand, "ewww gross, what was that for?" of corse misa was too oblivious to relise that Light was looking at L(デスノート) worried, after all how could he let the 愛 of his life know about him キス a girl who annoyed the hell out of him.

"mmm sugar" L(デスノート) smiled at his tower of...
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Warning: Strong sexual situations in graphic detail. For those who are not devoted やおい 恋愛中 and intense pervs, proceed with caution.

Note: In the 前 installment of Death the Kid X Crona I had already written the 愛 scene in a different context with a very different dialogue. I had forgotten about the 前 one and after I had successfully completed this part’s scene I realized my mistake. However, I myself prefer this 愛 scene a great deal more. あなた are free to read it to your heart’s desire and interpret whichever version あなた like as the real one. Enjoy!

The 前 night…...
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Warning: Contains some mild yaoi. It's not hardcore, but it's descriptive.
Note: 読書 the lyrics to the song is not required, but I felt that the song went very well with this whole part of the story

Beautiful Soul によって Jesse McCartney

Maka grabbed the key to the handcuffs off of the floor and scooted over closer to Kid and Crona. “I think you’re on good enough terms to be let go…”
Crona blushed and looked away from everyone else. Ragunarok smacked his meister on the head repeatedly while yelling at him, “What’s wrong with you?! Laying there and taking that sort of thing?! I’m...
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"light-kuuun" misa voice rung out もっと見る irratating than ever, lights stern face ignored her pleas "if your bored than leave" light coldly said
L felt the blood rushing to his head, though L(デスノート) didn't think it was right he couldn't help but 愛 the way he so strongly 発言しました it, L(デスノート) looked at him in admiration misa looked at him angrily "LLLLL your so annoying" Light cocked his head at L(デスノート) and L(デスノート) prepared himself for light to 秒 it but he looked at L(デスノート) like he wanted to protect him than he whipped his head at misa, she smiled and sqeauled "finally your paying attentio-" "SHUT UP MISA" his mouth grinded...
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Finally the continuation of Death the Kid X Crona...

Crona’s knees shook and his face was burning red as he stared at Kid. He clutched the blanket all the way up to his chin so Kid could see nothing もっと見る of his bare body. Kid dropped the clothes he had brought for Crona in his state of shock. He stood there for no もっと見る than a few 秒 before quickly pulled back out of the room and slamming the door shut. He leaned back against the door and rubbed his face with his hand. What do I do?! What do I do?! Should I go back in there and apologize? No, no, no, I can’t do that! I can’t just plunge...
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posted by TeamPeeta649
Crona stood away from everyone else at the party at Death the Kid’s house, watching them as they socialized.
Death the Kid walked over to Crona and stood beside him, following his gaze that was directed at Black Star, Tsubaki, and Patty. He let out a short sigh. “Sorry Crona. A noisy group like this must make あなた uncomfortable.”
Crona looked at Kid then down at the floor. “I’m not completely used to it yet, but I’m not feeling uncomfortable either.”
Kid put his hand on Crona’s shoulder lightly and closed his eyes. “No one’s going anywhere for a bit. So あなた can take your time;...
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犬夜叉 felt nails urgently pulling him closer, rapid and desperate rolling hips caused him to shudder, exhaling Miroku's name. Miroku felt himself go completely insane at that moment. Feeling a jolt of heat run from his lower back into his cock he came onto the bare chest of the half demon before his own whimper followed 犬夜叉 filled him, again barely whispering his name in ecstacy. Resting his head into miroku's glistening sweaty neck Miroku managed to moan

"Well... I'm definatly not going to have the energy to repair anything anymore"

Inuyasha laughed into his 襟, 首輪 bone after kissing...
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Spirit ran down the halls of the Death Weapon Meister Academy as fast as his legs would carry him. He entered the school’s hospital and sat down on the bed, putting his head in his heads. “I screwed up. Maka isn’t even at school right now. All this risk for nothing. The only place to see Maka is at the academy, so I came, sure, but coming here means I might run into him. FRANKIN STEIN!” Hidden under all the terror in his voice was a certain tone of something else, something deeper. Something that sent a sharp pang through his heart. He pushed the feeling down and rubbed his temples....
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