I think just growing up and maturing while learning to remain a child, innocent, pure, friendly, open, caring, unbiased, funloving, and stopping to observe of all the little things that make the world so beautiful.
Oooh, that's hard. The most wondreful thing about my life... hmm... well, everything. I have GREAT friends, a LOVING family, a PEACEFUL village to grow up in, I go to a FRIENDLY school, I have a 安全, 安全です house to live in. I 愛 everything. It's to hard to say what the MOST wonderful thing is, but I suppose at the mo my fav 'thing' is all my friends! That includes all my フレンズ that live abroad aswell. ;-)
I have many wonderful things in my life, but the most is the moment that I couldn't forgot like funny accident in my school または spent my holidays with my big families...
1.God, and just faith 2.my best guy friend, john michael 3.just all my bffs, like melanie, caitlin, tyler, and david 4.my familyy 5.my doggie:) 6.SUMMER 2010 7.fanpop and all my ファンポップ best friends:D 8.~*~happiness~*~
posted 1年以上前
So apparently 8 is classified as a large number these days.
Most of all my family. I 愛 my mum, my dad, my grandad, my auntie, my uncle, my cousins little baby that I havnt even met yet. And most of all, my brother means THE WORLD TO ME! He is just amazing.
mostly my mum, family and friends! :D But I'll still haft to say its the people who stop bulling and/or people who stand up for what they believe in! :D