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Project DIVA can be a little hard to play for beginners. Here is some of my tips and アドバイス from experiance to anyone who has never tried it before but wants to start.

Now that Project DIVA F and Project DIVA F 2nd has english versions. I suggest that あなた make one of these your first try so あなた don't have to pay a large amount of money for an imported game from Japan.

There are other games in the series but あなた will have to import them. If あなた would like to do that instead of going to your local game store または to PSN to get an English version of PD F then I would recommend アマゾン to buy an import....
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added by HannahStickles8
added by Fanutella
added by StrawberryAiko
added by StrawberryAiko
added by RoseKitsune
Source: Bing 画像
added by amutokitty
This 一覧 is によって the 月 and 日 they were released in.

IA - January 23
Luka Megurine - January 30

NEW Kokone - February 14
Kaito - February 17

NEW Anon and Kanon - March 3

Teto and Ted Kasane - April 1(Utauloid)
Aoki Lapis - April 6

Momo Momone - May 22 (Utauloid)

Gumi - June 25

Luo Tianyi - July 12
Gakupo Kamui - July 31

Lily - August 25
Hatsune Miku - August 31


SeeU (Korean) - October 21
SeeU (Japan) - October 22

Neru Akita - November 1
Meiko - November 5
Haku Yowane - November 21

Tone Rion -December 16
CUL - December 22
Yuzuki Yukari - December 22
Merli - December 24
Rin and Len Kagamine - December 27
added by emerald_32
Source: Pixiv.com
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: mikuma
added by emerald_32
added by simrananime
added by HannahStickles8
added by panisepic
Source: NOT ME
added by mitsuki963
added by sarita2
added by astroasis
Source: Desktop Nexus
added by dontmindmeyo
added by emerald_32
added by kazuki_super5