Vitani the Outlander Club
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posted by kionlion443
me and vitani were freinds in the lion gaurd i gave vitani the roar she roared so loud it hurt my ears she also had her own lion gaurd i did not know that
 me and vitani 2
me and vitani 2
posted by Kiara_thats_it
Many people think that Vitani and Kovu are litter mates.
Others say Vitani is Scar's daughter.
Both of these remarks are false.
Few understand what really happened.
Which is why we are going back to the beginning of this story...

Zira was never a true Pridelander. She just came across the Pridelands during Scar's reign. The Pridelands at this time were an unforgiving wasteland, but Zira, and those with her, saw someone at Pride Rock and decided to visit anyway. Scar had welcomed them, and Zira quickly became a devoted follower. But she brought it to an extreme.

Scar took advantage of Zira's devotion,...
continue reading...
posted by vitnaicub4469
 cub vitnai
cub vitnai
vitnai is a cub from lion king 2 and the lion gaurd she is the daugther of zira and scar she has two brothers nuka and kovu she loves kopa she is the scout of the outsiders and is angry at nuka she likes to fight with kovu and some ファン like her like i do vitnai is cool her brother kovu gets exiled によって simba
 vitnanis younger brother
vitnanis younger brother
 vitnais older borther
vitnais older borther
 kovu her younger brother
kovu her younger brother
 zira vitnais mother
zira vitnais mother
 scar vitnais father
scar vitnais father