as a finn, i really would like to hear in some scene ancient "Jouhikko" instrument. It originates from that era. The name it self comes from word "jouhi", which means "horse hair", and "jouhikko" means... well... finnish is hard to translate to any other languages, but mainly it means "a bunch of horse hairs"... This is interesting instrument; あなた have three strings, but あなた play (mostly) only one of them, and with back of your finggers! :)
投稿されました 1年以上前
The current teaser is like a big stylish riddle, isn't it? Especially the part where the guy with crown has Athelstan hand makes me very nervous...I hope that is symbolic, but I fear not.
投稿されました 1年以上前
BEST DAMN SHOW!!!!! And who knew that Vikings were so freaky-deeky in the sheets, my お気に入り quote ever, "I want to ride あなた like a wild bull" lol 愛 it!!!
投稿されました 1年以上前
I am 18!!!! I am SOOOOOO HAPPY someone made this club! Thank you! This series has been EPIC so far... just outstanding! I look フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to watching and have it set up to record. Thanks for making the club!
投稿されました 1年以上前
I keep trying to get my boyfriend to watch- I think he'd like it as much as me! I noticed below here-something. Can the 前 episodes be watched for free somewhere online????1年以上前
HBOnordic accidentily uploaded BOTH S1E4 AND S1E5 of Vikings today. I watched S1E5 before they put it down! Lucky me... :-D ...but now I have to wait 2 weeks before they アップロード S1E6 :-/ ...
投稿されました 1年以上前