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ビクトリアス Movie: Summer Madness: Chapter 9: An Unexpected Kiss

(Rated: 14+)
Note: This a Tori and Andre chapter and a Beck and Jade chapter

(The chapter continues with Jade, Beck and Tobias at the hallway of the ladies restroom at the nightclub; Beck and Tobias are glaring at each other with Jade looking worried at Beck)
Beck: あなた better let go of her now! She’s my girlfriend!
Tobias: No, just let me have Jade, asshole!
Beck: What?! Don't be coming to her business chasing after her!
Jade: Beck, please…
Tobias: What? Is this Beck? The Beck Oliver the actor from Hollywood Arts? The Beck that...
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Some 日 I’ll let あなた in
Treat あなた right
Drive あなた out of your mind
You never met a chick like me
Burn so bright
I’m goanna make あなた blind

Always wonderin
what あなた can have
Is it so bad
If あなた don’t get what あなた wanted
Make it feel good
As I whip あなた into shape
Yeah, boy let’s get it started

Give it up
You can’t win
Cause I know
Where あなた been
Such a shame
You don’t put up a fight
That’s a game
That we play
At the end of the night
It’s the same old story
But あなた never get it right
Give it up

Come a little closer
Come a little closer baby, baby

So stop crying
Don’t walk...
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added by tabithasb13
added by el0508
added by MJsValentine
Source: Nickelodeon
added by MJsValentine
Source: TheSlap
added by MJsValentine
Source: DanWarp
added by FavBeck_456
added by PLL_OrRiot
added by aNNalovechuck
added by Clara_Valentina
added by carol1022
added by BrilLiam
Source: Tumblr
added by el0508
added by MJsValentine
Source: TheSlap
added by lola20159
added by australia-101
ビクトリアス Movie: Road To Senior Year: Chapter 16: No Turning Back

Note: This story is almost done, I swear!!!

(The chapter continues with the chase scene going on with Porsha’s SUV, Big Bertha’s black car, Beck’s car and the police car and they’re driving to Hollywood Arts)
(But Bobby and Pete are fighting who gets to drive the black car)
Bobby: Let me drive! Let me drive!
Pete: Out of the way, あなた jackass! I'm the captain here! (Bobby tries to take the wheel but Pete refuses) Let go of the wheel, damn it! I'm the captain! I'll do the steering!
(The car served around, making Big Bertha...
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ビクトリアス Movie: Road To Senior Year: Chapter 10: Big Mistake

(Rated: 14+)

((Tori’s status on TheSlap: Can’t wait to hear of the production of my song! ((Feeling: Antsy))

(The 次 weeks starts at the Supernova Record office where Tori and Trina went inside to Karen and the staff)
Karen: Hello, girls.
Trina: Hi.
Tori: Hey, Karen.
Karen: I think you're gonna be happy when あなた hear this. (She shows the red CD to both Tori and Trina)
Tori: Is that my song?
Karen: Is, indeed. We just finished it last week like I told you. And I think you're gonna like what あなた hear. Put it in.
(A guy puts a red CD into...
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ビクトリアス Movie: Road To Senior 年 Cast

Hi everyone, I decided to make another movie of ビクトリアス with the same cast members and they’re going to be my own characters of my story, ビクトリアス Movie: Road To Senior Year. In this story, Tori is looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to her 音楽 career while getting ready to graduate Hollywood Arts with her フレンズ as Beck and Jade found out that Jade’s now pregnant and they are going to have a baby. After Trina ruins Tori’s chances at having a hit song in the Senior Party at Hollywood Arts, the girls must find a way to make things right. Along for the ride...
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