hmm lets see.... Cold, dead, glitter tub boyfriend? OR Hot, lovable, alive boyfriend? But which is better? There's only one way to find out! FIG- nah. Don't bother. Werewolf boyfriend please!!
投稿されました 1年以上前
Jacob is actually a shape-shifter. If he was a werewolf, he would only transform at a full moon and a silver bullet would be able to kill him. Basically, he's not the traditional werewolf. They're werewolves, not shape shifters. Shape shifters like Jacob can change whenever the want and whatever they change into is usually larger than a normal creature. For example; Jacob changing into a wolf. オオカミ are much smaller than what Jacob changes into. Same with the shape shifters into hawks または any other wild animal. So, Jacob and his pack.are shape shifters1年以上前
and before あなた ask why they dont change into anything else, well, their bloodline was that of a wolf's. It was mainly human blood so instead of being the formula to make a werewolf (half human half wolf), he was a shape shifter.1年以上前
technically ur wrong. 狼男 r hotter than stone cold vamps. thats why Jacob had to get into the sleeping bag with Bella instead of Edward. Edward was too cold.1年以上前
ヴァンパイア are not faggish!! Their da shyt nd for ya who make unecessary コメント stop hatin..cuz it tales 2 または 3 狼男 tu kill a vampire their da fckn best..nd if anything the twilight saga 映画 made their reputation better...ILY EDWARD!!!1年以上前