Of the roles TH has played, my お気に入り is the one in "the drop". He is intelligent, understated, fiercely protective, and his 愛 for the 子犬 was extraordinary. Of the roles I have seen him play, this is my favorite; the lonely, "aw shucks" routine he plays, his obvious intelligence, and inevitable deadly showdown between 愛 of the vulnerable 子犬 and damaged Nadia against the evil intents of others will always touch me.
投稿されました 1年以上前
I just 愛 him , i will buy any dvd if he is in it. あなた are a brilliant actor Tom, あなた are also bloody fit. i tell my mates あなた are sex on legs. keep up the good work. x
投稿されました 1年以上前
I have watched Child 44 three times and just admire the 芝居 performance によって Tom. Very good actor and I would go to the theater もっと見る often if Mr. Hardy was in the movie.
投稿されました 1年以上前
I cant wait to see Mad Max Fury Road, Peaky Blinders season 2 & Animal Rescue!! after this come Legend, the ravenant & Rocketman! I 愛 Tom Hardy with all my hearth <3
投稿されました 1年以上前
Just watched "Bronson" last weekend...Hardy is so damn great in it, so vivid and overwhelming like a avalanche, really, really talented (same goes for director Winding Refn)!
投稿されました 1年以上前
I am in 愛 with you. Your characters, although very different, all have such a good ハート, 心 and storyline. Even Bane drove me crazy. I cried watching The Dark Knight Rises, and Warrior. I watch any movie that あなた are in even if it is a small role. I am fascinated with your work. 愛 always, your biggest fan.
投稿されました 1年以上前
516TH fan, soo glad that there's a spot for him!loved him in inception and warrior and I just recently watched the dark night rises,on the 9th または 10th of December, and soo looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to seeing もっと見る of his incredible work :D ALSO HAPPY 12-12-12!
投稿されました 1年以上前
Tom Hardy, I 愛 you! あなた are actually my お気に入り actor :) When I saw あなた in Warrior and the Dark Knight Rises, I was hooked! :D Keep up the amazing 芝居 (that shouldn't be hard! :P)
投稿されました 1年以上前
I cannot wait to see Tom Hardy in TDKR (: I will be at the midnight premeir on July 20th. He has done very well in his career and I cant wait to see もっと見る of his stuff. Bronson was absolutely wonderful, and This Means War, for his first RomCom, was absolutely hilarious & definitely romantic. Lol. The Virgin クイーン was very moving. & I havent seen any of his older stuff. Has anyone seen Cape Wrath? または as its known over here, Meadowlands?
投稿されました 1年以上前
poor Tom, never winning the fight with his brother(warrior) never gets the girl(this means war) and doesn't win battles(the dark night rises) all I can say is...
投稿されました 1年以上前
Prepare for one hellava meteoric rise in your career young man... Your body of work has allowed あなた this open door, walk through it with vigor but keep ya feet well planted in your roots.
投稿されました 1年以上前
"How couldyou kill little Jimmy? He was so little." "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. [Pulls out a grenade launcher] " Two of the best 名言・格言 ever !!!
投稿されました 1年以上前
ok we all know that he actors are very very busy....but will be very nice to found a blog または a fanpage for him were we can get answers...its only an opinion!!! dont あなた all think this?????1年以上前
I do. I'd like to know myself if TH has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. I tend to notice the characteristics because it runs in my own family and I was diagnosed with it myself when I was child, but note this... Reese Witherspoon 発言しました that "his mind runs a hundred miles a minute," he had a lot of trouble in school, had a drug addiction (sometimes people turn to drugs self medicate the symptoms), can't seem to sit still, is easily distracted, and unintentionally interupts others during interviews. Put this together with other characteristics that benefit actors with ADHD, Robin Williams for example, they're great at improve, have bounds of energy, and can completely emerse themselves into their roles. Mr. Hardy, if あなた read this and disagree, please forgive me. But does anybody else see it?1年以上前