ザ・シムズ3 Club
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posted by myau
Here are some cheats and tips for sims 3... they work for me! But if u have any problems leave a comment!

* While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: In Windows Vista あなた may need to press [Ctrl] + [Windows] + [Shift] + C to display the console window.


help - display most cheats

testingCheatsnabled [true または false] - Enable testing cheats [Note 1]

kaching - 1,000 simoleons

motherlode - 50,000 simoleons

unlockOutfits [on または off] - View career...
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added by G1982
added by hansonracs
added by Drakkoholic
added by hansonracs
added by Mollymolata
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/comments/v5atzx/sunset_valley_makeovers_part_3/
added by Mollymolata
sims 3
added by Mollymolata
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/comments/v5atzx/sunset_valley_makeovers_part_3/
added by Mollymolata
added by hansonracs
added by hansonracs
added by hansonracs
added by hansonracs
added by hisbabygirl51
added by hansonracs
added by glelsey
Source: EA / フェイスブック
added by glelsey
Source: EA / フェイスブック
added by glelsey
Source: Screenshot によって me
added by Mollymolata