The Reformed Mephiles Omigod Quizzes! XD ~Mephiles

MephilesTheDark posted on Jun 29, 2010 at 01:53AM

Okay, I was doing 'What Sonic character are you?' quizzes, and, me being me, I decided to put my results here. XD

On the first quiz I did, I got 94% (drum roll please) Sonic!

On the second one, it just said 'Sonic, you are carefree, athletic, heroic, and love to run!' Sure, I like running, but the other ones..?

And the third... You are... SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!
You're courageous, focused, and man are you fast! You respond to danger in the only way you know how... and while you may toe the line occasionally, you seldom taste defeat. You're awesome and a true hero!

Wow, is anyone else seeing a pattern here!?

And, the last one I did for the day... I got a list!

My No. 1; Sonic the Hedgehog! (Surprise surprise.)
No 2; Amy Rose. (WTF!?!?)
No 3; Dr. Eggman. (No comment here people.)
No 4; Miles 'Tails' Prower. (Well, we're both S-M-R-T)
No 5; Vector the Croc. (FIND DA COMPUTA ROOM!)
No 6; E-123 Omega. (Does he even HAVE a personality!?)
No 7; Emerl. (K then...)
No 8; Espio. (I'm a ninja! XD)
No 9; Metal Sonic. (Rawr =3)
No 10; Big the Cat. (FROGGEH!)
No 11; Charmey Bee. (Weeeeee!)
No 13; Knuckles the Echidna. (Woot for Australia!)
No 14; Rouge the Bat. (I'm... just... gonna... back away now...)
No 15; Shadow the Hedgehog. (Hey! I don't even know a 'Maria'!)
No 16; Chaos Zero. (Uhhh...)

Wow, who knew I was SONIC!? -.-' And yes, I did the whole thing HONEST!

Hm. Well, this is REALLY weird, 'cuz I'm Mephiles... What the hell does Mephiles have in common with Sonic, other than they're both male, have green eyes, and have some blue on them!?

...Maybe I shoulda been a Sonic RP. XD

The Reformed Mephiles 20 返信

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1年以上前 Sonic-HEGDEHOG said…
XDXDXDXDXDXD LMAO! Lol, that is wierd...
1年以上前 Aimee147 said…
That is freaky XD I'm glad you RPed Meph though because that's just the way I like you ;)
1年以上前 Thirddevision said…
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
I was like; O_O When I did them... Then I nearly fainted. XD

I mean... 'Cuz I'd been going through everything Mephiles and I have in common... (there is actually quite a bit, belive it or not)


And then I got Anubis to do the quiz... And you'll NEVER guess who he got... -.-' *hintshadowduhhinthint*
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
And the 2nd... AMY ROSE!?!?!? WTF!??!?
1年以上前 Sonic-HEGDEHOG said…
Because let's face it dude, your somewhat feminile... XD
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
ummm femanin, ok. or female. god, lolz jk. sooo I WANNA TAKE THE FRIGGIN TEST DUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
Oh, shut up, Sonic. Since when do I act like a girl?

Just type in 'What Sonic character are you?' on google. XD
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
ok which one???
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
OMG! i took one of the quizes and i got... METAL SONIC!!! im a robot!
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
i took a different one and i got stupid cream...
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
big smile
Heh! Sucker! At least I got someone half decent! (No offense Cream and Metal Sonic...)
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
hey! that was rude :'( but at least i got a cute character ^^
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
Sorry... <=)
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
its ok
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
big smile
*runs in circles*
1年以上前 shadowluvr said…
*trips you*
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
Ow... XD
1年以上前 Aimee147 said…
*tries not to laugh* XD
1年以上前 MephilesTheDark said…
...Shut up... XD