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Monkees Confessions

Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Monkees Confessions
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
"I can\'t stop thinking about Davy\'s lips."
"Peter\'s left buttcheek gives me heart palpitations."
"I can only have an orgasm if I\'m thinking about the Monkees."
Monkees Confessions is the Tumblr for you. Submit your deepest, darkest (silliest, funniest, sexiest, most random) Monkees-related confessions. Go ahead, get it off your chest: You\'ll feel better. Trust us.
THE RULES: We are all about the fun and merriment here at MC; therefore, the rules are simple:
2. Confessions that attack a specific Monkees fan (explicitly or covertly)
And...that\'s pretty much it! Happy submitting, folks, and we look forward to reading your submissions!
micky dolenzthe monkeesgood times!she makes me laugh
I don’t understand why people are stuck-up prententious bellends but THERE WE GO
submission postmicky dolenzthe monkees33 1/3 revolutions per monkee
submission postmichael nesmithpeter torkthe monkeesmonkees 50th anniversaryNez is not going to be touring with them howeverjust FYI
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