The House of Anubis Club
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added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
added by hasper28
added by hasper28
added by hasper28
added by hasper28
added by hasper28
added by hasper28
added by hasper28
added by Icestorm08
posted by BridgexJordan
(Joy's, Mara's, and Patricia's room)
(Mara screams)
(Trudy enters)
Trudy: what's wrong?
Mara: someone pulled a prank on me and made チョコレート cake fall all over me.
Joy: (Uses her figure and scoops up the cake and puts it in mouth) no that's 落花生, ピーナッツ butter.
Mara: I'm allergic to 落花生, ピーナッツ butter.
Trudy: who could have done this?
Patricia: has anyone been mean または mad at あなた lately?
Mara (mad): Mick.


(Eddie, Fabian, Mick, Alfie, Nina, and Amber are sitting at the 表, テーブル when Victoria enters)
Victoria: hi everyone. I'm Victoria. I'm new.
Alfie: and hot.
Amber: Alfie!
Alfie: I mean...
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added by hasper28
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
Nina: (gasp)
Fabian: what is it?
Nina: (takes out the cup of ankh.) the cup.
Trudy: (enters) oh I see あなた found the lovely cup I found under the stairs. It's lovely isn't it?
Nina: yeah…
Victor: (enters) Trudy. Can you- (see's the cup) give that to me.
Nina: no.
Trudy: oh just give it to Victor Nina.
Victor: give.
(Nina hands it to Victor and Victor exits)
Trudy: Well, 晩餐, 夕食 will be ready soon.
Nina: okay…
(Fabian and Nina enter Living room)
Fabian: Amber, Mara, Patricia. We need you. Now!
(they all exit)
(Victor's office)
Victor (on phone): yes. Tell the others. We can finally live forever....
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added by BJsRealm
Source: Nick
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.
added by hasper28
Source: Viacom International, Inc.