the girls of CSI:科学捜査班 Club
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added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by nikki8green6
Credit: Shanmaga on YouTube
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
posted by Paramore-CSI
New York
Her feet hit the ground as she forced herself into the crime scence, eyeing the body all cruched up and noticing the blood all over all splattered on the wall, she cringed. She moved herself over to the body, looks like it was done によって the basher, あなた can take her away. She walked to the ウォール and started swabbing the blood, while stella looked at other stuff. Her feet brushed the ground as she looked at her pager, It was sid, he confermed it was the basher.
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added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by csinyfan17
posted by Paramore-CSI
Yay finally yes i am 書く this before i write the 記事 yes this is another 1 shot!! so finally here it is!!

The phone rang and Lindsay picked it up racing to the door not even bothering to talk. It was Stella. She already new what the call was about.
time flew によって as Lindsay arrived at the scene, gasping. there sat stella examining the body.
"Its gotten worse." sighed Lindsay
"this doesn't see like a womens doing."
"copycat?" lindsay asked
"No I am thinking partner."stella replyed
"oh." Lindsay 発言しました shocked.
"we are here to help あなた ladies." gleamed Calleigh
"Calleigh." lindsay...
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added by csinyfan17
added by csinyfan17
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by csinyfan17
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by nikki8green6
Credit: Shanmaga on YouTube
catherine willows
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
Source: me
added by Paramore-CSI
added by Paramore-CSI