Teenage Confessions Updates

an article 追加されました: Facades 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: breath-taking moments 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
a video 追加されました: Epic, Inspirational Soundtracks 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: Enya Greatest Hits - Full Album 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: Celtic 音楽 - Relaxing And Beautiful Mix 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: 2 Hours Calm 音楽 Peaceful Songs: Most Relaxing NewAge 音楽 for Meditation,Deep Sleep & Massage 1年以上前 by anviange
an answer was added to this question: FRIENDS 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
a video 追加されました: 音楽 Therapy, Anxiety Relief, Stress Reduction,Calming, Sleep, Stress Release 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: Causes of Stress in Teenagers and Real-life Solutions 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: The life of teenagers at school 1年以上前 by anviange
a comment was made to the poll: Do u believe in 愛 at first sight? 1年以上前 by t_direction
a comment was made to the poll: What do u think of your friends? 1年以上前 by 1012jackson
a comment was made to the poll: which is important? 1年以上前 by anviange
a question 追加されました: breath-taking moments 1年以上前 by anviange
a poll 追加されました: which is important? 1年以上前 by anviange
a question 追加されました: FRIENDS 1年以上前 by anviange
a poll 追加されました: What do u think of your friends? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: #confession 1 1年以上前 by anviange
an answer was added to this question: #confession 1 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
a question 追加されました: #confession 1 1年以上前 by Itz_RISHAL
an answer was added to this question: do you think that this world completely suits for teenagers or how this world must change to suit us? 1年以上前 by Itz_RISHAL
a comment was made to the poll: What will be your response if your crush asked あなた out ?? 1年以上前 by Itz_RISHAL
a question 追加されました: do you think that this world completely suits for teenagers or how this world must change to suit us? 1年以上前 by anviange
a poll 追加されました: Do u have a confidate? または would u want one to share your secrets? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
a poll 追加されました: Have あなた ever got the feeling that あなた were being watched? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
a poll 追加されました: Do u believe in 愛 at first sight? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: Have uh ever confessed to your crush ??? 1年以上前 by Nerdbuster2
a comment was made to the photo: The Banner ♥ 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
an answer was added to this question: Have uh ever confessed to your crush ??? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: Hows the Idea ??? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: does your parents completely understand you? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: what is the biggest problem of teenagers? 1年以上前 by Ichigo127
an answer was added to this question: does your parents completely understand you? 1年以上前 by Itz_RISHAL
a video 追加されました: Ten Things that Parents should knowabout Teenagers 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: Why are Teenagers so Moody? | CheatSheet 1年以上前 by anviange
a video 追加されました: Teenagers Answer - What's Your Greatest Accomplishment? 1年以上前 by anviange
a question 追加されました: does your parents completely understand you? 1年以上前 by anviange
an answer was added to this question: what is the biggest problem of teenagers? 1年以上前 by Itz_RISHAL
a comment was made to the answer: I could make あなた one right now if あなた wanted one! I'll post it in the pictures. It may take a couple 分 1年以上前 by Itz_RISHAL
a photo 追加されました: The Banner ♥ 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
an answer was added to this question: Hows the Idea ??? 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
an answer was added to this question: Have uh ever confessed to your crush ??? 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
an answer was added to this question: A banner needed for this place !! can uh make one ?? 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
an answer was added to this question: what is the biggest problem of teenagers? 1年以上前 by LoveSterlingB
an answer was added to this question: Have uh ever confessed to your crush ??? 1年以上前 by ChrissyStyles1
an answer was added to this question: what is the biggest problem of teenagers? 1年以上前 by ChrissyStyles1
an answer was added to this question: Hows the Idea ??? 1年以上前 by ChrissyStyles1
a link 追加されました: 上, ページのトップへ 10 problemsteenagers face - teenissues 1年以上前 by anviange
a link 追加されました: The Most CommonProblems TeenagersFace Today 1年以上前 by anviange