Team Twilight Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Breaking Dawn part 1 1年以上前 by twilightbesty
a comment was made to the photo: エドワード・カレン 1年以上前 by twilightbesty
a comment was made to the photo: エドワード・カレン 1年以上前 by twilightbesty
a comment was made to the poll: My フレンズ keep saying harry potter is better!! What do I say? 1年以上前 by missie12
a video 追加されました: Twilight Saga Ultimate Trailer 1年以上前 by rkebfan4ever
a video 追加されました: BD part 2 movie trailer 1年以上前 by rkebfan4ever
a video 追加されました: BD part 1 movie trailer 1年以上前 by rkebfan4ever
a video 追加されました: Eclipse movie trailer 1年以上前 by rkebfan4ever
a video 追加されました: New Moon movie trailer 1年以上前 by rkebfan4ever
a video 追加されました: Twilight Movie Trailer 1年以上前 by rkebfan4ever
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite 狼, オオカミ :D 1年以上前 by AmberEdith
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite [existing] Twilight Couple? 1年以上前 by AmberEdith
a comment was made to the poll: Which girl from the Twilight Series would あなた wanna be? 1年以上前 by AmberEdith
a comment was made to the poll: Do あなた own both Twilight OST? [Twilight and Twilight the Score] 1年以上前 by AmberEdith
a comment was made to the poll: Do あなた wish that Stephenie would write もっと見る 本 about the Twilight characters? 1年以上前 by AmberEdith
a comment was made to the poll: Where they look better? 1年以上前 by AmberEdith
an answer was added to this question: Heyy guys im having a twilight themed /team edward party any ideas xx 1年以上前 by RyanDawnset-40
a comment was made to the poll: Congratulations! あなた won a 日付 with... 1年以上前 by Ninaa_
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Twilight Guy? 1年以上前 by Ninaa_
a comment was made to the poll: If not Edward または Jacob, who would あなた pick then? 1年以上前 by Ninaa_
a comment was made to the poll: would あなた rather be able to 1年以上前 by Ninaa_
a comment was made to the poll: If there was a bit of harry potter here what would u say? 1年以上前 by Bellasfan21
a comment was made to the poll: Which is your お気に入り werewolf 1年以上前 by Ninaa_
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Twilight car? 1年以上前 by Ninaa_
a comment was made to the answer: Edward 1年以上前 by angelicdiva
a comment was made to the answer: edward 1年以上前 by angelicdiva
a comment was made to the answer: Edwards 1年以上前 by angelicdiva
a photo 追加されました: Twilight 1年以上前 by teamjakeforeve
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Twilight 1年以上前 by dulmi
a comment was made to the video: Twilight Trailer Spoof 1年以上前 by Akshat_aryaman
a comment was made to the video: 愛 三角形 1年以上前 by Akshat_aryaman
a comment was made to the video: Jacob & Bella: Don't Make Me Wait 1年以上前 by Akshat_aryaman
fan art 追加されました: Taylor Lautner-Jacob Black-Twilight 1年以上前 by Bia_GodLover
an answer was added to this question: if u love twilight click here !!! 1年以上前 by Julia-Twilight
a link 追加されました: Twilight and TVD roleplay 1年以上前 by Tanz4eva
an answer was added to this question: i want to know whether edward has many admirers or jacob has many admirers . please answer... 1年以上前 by slayergirl118
a comment was made to the question: i want to know whether edward has many admirers または jacob has many admirers . please answer... 1年以上前 by subiksha
a question 追加されました: i want to know whether edward has many admirers or jacob has many admirers . please answer... 1年以上前 by subiksha
a pop quiz question 追加されました: In "Breaking Dawn pt. 2," was the fight scene real? 1年以上前 by TDROTIfan777
a poll 追加されました: Who do あなた think is hotter, Jacob または Jasper? 1年以上前 by TwihardLexi
an answer was added to this question: if you were a boy who would you rather alice or rosalie? 1年以上前 by babe-no11
a comment was made to the poll: We always 愛 Edward, but what あなた think makes him hotter? 1年以上前 by Ashleigh23
a comment was made to the poll: Ever thought about getting a Twilight tattoo? [I have and the 日付 is already set.) 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: If あなた got changed into a vampire, who would あなた want to do it? 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: Who to あなた run with? 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: If あなた have to be bad, how bad あなた wanna be? 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: Who would あなた like to have as a sister [comment on the reason] 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: Do あなた believe it can ever happen that Edward finds someone similar または better than Bella... leaving her? 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: How あなた think a キッス from Jacob would feel? 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105
a comment was made to the poll: Who is もっと見る dominant? And i dont mean scary... 1年以上前 by Beliebergirl105