TDI's Noah and Cody Club
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posted by neonwalflower
~after the season ended at Noah's apartment~

-Noah and Cody are watching BrokeBack Mountain-
tv:"..Jack...I Swear..." ~sad music~

Cody: Oh Noah that was sooo sad!!!!
-gets teary eyed and lies body over Noah's lap-

-Noah holds ポップコーン bowl over Cody so it won't spill-
Noah: Hold yourself together. It's not even over yet.

Cody: But Noah the 愛 of his life is dead and he's crying! Isn't that sad a little bit to you?

Noah: Mmmm... no. Now can we atleast finish a movie for once without your whining?

~a couple 分 later~

Noah: Finally that movie is over....

Cody: Aww come on dude あなた didn't like it at...
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Cody' POV

I knocked on the door,and noah,still in his P.J's,opened the door.
"oh,hello,cody." he said,sounding nervous.
"Hey,Noah.You have a video camera,right?"
"is it ok if I use it?"
"ok,come on in."He let me inside.

Noah's POV
"So,why do あなた need to use it?"I asked,trying to make conversation .
"i need to make a video and post it on the TDI site."
"About what?"
"Well,you know how あなた kissed me,on that one episode?"
"wel,i watched that episode,and i was smiling..Not because I like you,i thought あなた were,a girl.Not that あなた look like a girl.....i,just woke up,i didnt...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Okay, so this is something I decided to randomly do one day. This is basically how Total Drama Island would've happened if NoCo was one of the canon couples. Also: there is no TxG, または DxC in this story, so please don't read it if あなた don't like the couple. One last thing: this was inspired によって a DxG series titled: “Secrets”. If あなた like DxG, please go check out the awesome story によって starburst-rock. :3

Also, I don't own the TD series, so please don't think I do.

*Noah's P.O.V*

As the ボート slowly approached an island...
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That's right; I'm finally updating this! XD

Anyway, to the ファン of this, I apologize for the wait. It's just that there's been busy updating another story, and hadn't had time to do this. :( But I am now! :)

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the last part of Thing's Change または do They?! :D


*No ones POV*

And so it all fell into place.

Sierra and Cody were getting married in mere hours, Noah was now asleep in his brother Nigel's apartment, and Alejandro was hot on the trail to finding the Know it all. Tension was in the air, and it weighed heavily on...
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That's right! I'm FINALLY updating this story! XD Anyway...........I'm just gonna start! O3O Hope this was worth the wait!

*No ones POV*

So, after their night of catching up, and the kiss, Noah and Cody continued on with everyday life. They both still went to work, worked their hardest, and then came ホーム to the person they thought was their love.

They also started to drift apart once more.

Cody's visits to the cafe quickly started to slow, and, soon, he stopped coming all together. Noah was surprisingly okay with the drifting this time around. He found, since Cody and him weren't even together,...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Part 8! YAY! I'm really getting into this story, and I really 愛 書く it! :D So, I just wanna thank all of あなた who actually read this! あなた guys are the ones who inspire me to keep on 書く ! TuT Also...lets pretend Noah told COdy his last name, okay? -.-

Anyway, this is a VERY mushy part, so be warned! >3


*Cody's P.O.V.*

As my eyes slowly opened, I realized I was no longer in the cabins. I was sitting in a chair - staring into a mirror. I was dressed in a white tux with had a big red rose on the collar, and...
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part three! WHOOT-WHOOT! To be completly honest, I never thought I'd make it past part one, but I guess i'm a better writter than I thought. ^u^ I just wanna give a shout-out to Neonwalflower and Starburst-rock for being so supportive! Oh, and as always, this was inspired によって a rocken DxG series made によって starburst, so kindly check it out already.

Also, this part has Cody's POV, and I never really have written in his perception, so I hope あなた all like it! Okay, on with the friggin' story! x3

*Noah's P.O.V.*

We were all...
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posted by nocofangirl218
So, since part one did so well, I've decided to go alond and do part two! I hope あなた all enjoy! :3 Also, this was inspired によって a DxG series, so please check out the awesome story によって starburst-rock, and blah, blah, blah! Again, hope あなた like part two!
So, on with the story!_________________________________________________________________________________

*Noah's P.O.V.*

"Okay, todays challenge is three-fold." Chris announced as almost everone crowded around the edge of the cliff. Yeah, crowding around the edge of a huge cliff is always a good idea guys. "Your first task is to jump off this one-thousand...
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Warning: RATED T for Sexuality/Romance and Angst

Noah just sat there, on his ベッド looking at the covers...confused. 'What the hell happened last night?' He thought to himself.

Cody and Noah were both sitting on Cody's ベッド in his suite, watching the movie 'Far From Heaven' on the T.V.
Noah reached for the ポップコーン in the bowl on Cody's lap, at the same time that Cody was doing as well. Noah accidently grabbed Cody's hand...he couldn't let go...
They looked at each-other, their faces were just inches away.
Noah started to lean forward, so was Cody.
Noah turned his head slowly to the left,...
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posted by nocofangirl218
It's part 5! キャンディー コーン, トウモロコシ all around ya'll! :D Seriously though, thanks to all of あなた who have been supporting this little fiction! ^u^ It's comforting to know I have some reveiwers. TuT Anyway, I hope あなた all enjoy pt.5! :D


*Noahs P.O.V.*

After Trent's 'preformence' and when Justin got back from the beach, we all went to bed. I was honestly very tired, but I found it very hard to sleep. My mind kept going back to what Justin told me ealier, and......I was afraid he might be right.

'No....he can't be right! He.....he just...
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posted by nocofangirl218
So, this story is when I did the whole ‘NoCo’ theme contest. I then asked if I should make it into a song-fiction, and あなた all 発言しました yes. So, here it is. This is my first song-fiction, and I’m sorry if it sucks. This takes place when the contestants were headed to their first destination.

Disclaimer: I own nothing によって Total drama island - action - world tour, nor Big Time Rush.

As the Total Drama World Tour plane flew toward the contestants first destination, all the people on board were happily talking to...
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posted by Raven9087
Codys Prov:

I was so glad I was off that island and Im glad Noah lived right down the 通り, ストリート from me cuz we were really close and all and we gaved each other our addresses and cell numbers. Now tht school was starting I could call him to ask him wat classes he got
Cody:Hey Noah its Cody did u get ur classes yet??
Noah:Yah My homeroom teacher is Mr.Martenez
Cody:Me to
Noah:So tht must mean were in the same classes then huh
Cody:Yepp I g2g cloths shopping txt u l8er
Noah:K bye

Noah Prov:

Im so glad me and Cody are in the same classes cuz I like him but I couldnt tell him tht または else he will...
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Noah's POV
I don't know where I am または how I got here, but I was... floating. No, that's not the right word... I was in some sort of bubble. Soon I realized I couldn't breathe. I held my breath and closed my eyes. 'Where am I?' I thought. Soon, the 愛 of my life's face appeared: Cody Anderson. He floated towards me, and I was suddenly aware that I was underwater. That explained why I was floating, and why I couldn't breathe. But... I didn't feel wet. "Noah..." Cody spoke my name. Oh, so we could talk underwater, but we couldn't breathe? I tried to say something, but nothing came out. "Noah......
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cody-I cant belive he kissed me yuck!!!!!!!!!
noah-Look it was an accidental キッス so dont get any ideas cody!!!!!!!!

Well today we are having a dogebrawl challenge for once something Im good at!!!!!As we begin Chris contenues with the rules when suddenly Noah interups and says to not talk about dodgeball..."What a jerk' I said.We began to play and I threw the first ball which was a complete miss.I was the only one standing after a while and won the first round.We won the 秒 one too.Noah didnt even play once but made some weary remarks.Of course we ロスト I got soo mad at Noah...
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So....yeah, it's finally the 次 part! XD Anyway, I hope I didn't keep あなた all waiting for this too long! Just real quickly, I wanna thank all the kind reviews I've gotten for this story so far. It really makes me feel special when I see feed back. X3 Anyway, here's part 2!

*no ones POV*

And just like that, Cody was out of Noah's life. After their break-up, the two drifted world apart. In fact, after their relationship ended, Noah never heard from Cody again. No phone calls, no e-mail, no nothing. Cody had walked out of Noah's life, and there was no sign of him returning anytime soon. Then...
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posted by DxCForevs
Cody: ZzZz.......ZzZz.
Athena: CODY!!!!!
Athena: Get yo lazy butt up!
Cody: Its a saturday.
Athena: Yeah but, Dont あなた wanna clean up, Noah's coming over right?
Cody: I tiyded up yestruday.
Athena: O.o
Athena: O.O
Cody: Ok over the top..............
Ding Dong!! Ping Pong!!
Athena & Cody: I'll Get It!
Courtney: Oh dont worry its open!
Cody: Huh??????????????????????????
Courtney: CODY!?!?!?!?
Athena: Yar
Courntey: Bloomin hell??!!
Athena: Ok
Ping Dong!! Ding Pong!!
Noah: Why is it open??
Cody: Errm, Athena.

Noah's POV

Noah had wondered when he'd see Cody. He'd been watching Total Drama Island every week and tonight Cody had been voted off.

Cody arrived at the Playa de Losers, and Noah had stood there like an idiot trying to get up the nerve to go talk to him. During the dodgeball game, back on the island, Noah had sort of developed a crush on the other boy when Cody threw that ball at the other team.

Noah had wanted to talk to him more, but then Noah had been voted off that night. He'd been furious at his teammates for voting him off and he was upset that he didn't get a chance to talk to Cody....
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posted by koalagirl9
who:Noah and Cody
where: behind Codys House on a rock
when:After tdwt is over

Cody is sitting alone on a rock:
Noah:Hey Cody あなた look sad
Cody:Hey Noah what are あなた doing here
Noah:I came to play video games.Remember we had this planned for 2 weeks.
Cody Oh sorry im just confused
Noah:Why?Thinking of the many ways あなた can get Sierra of your back.
Cody:No,i don't wanna talk about it
Noah:Tell me i wont judge after all i'm a 16 年 old who's 4"8' and has girl hair
Cody:*giggle*Well i've been having trouble deciding if i like girls または boys.
Noah:So your Bisexual
Cody:I guess...I probably seem like a freak to あなた now
Noah:no to be honest im gay...
Cody:*grabs his hand*
Noah:*looks down and smiles*
Noah was 読書 his book on the plane as they flew to wherever Chris decided to take them today He coulden't get into his book to much because of everyone yelling and making alot of noise. Chris decided that everyone would get to sit in first class today just because he felt like it. Personally he would have rather been sitting anywhere but where he was because of all the noise But at least he got to be in the same room as Cody. Noah always had a thing for Cody but never told him because that just wasn't how he was he never spoke of his feelings. Now everyone was just annoying him especially...
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posted by abb_IE123
Noah:Hey Cody 😏
Cody: Hi N.N.Noah
Noah: Are あなた nevers 😝
Cody: N.n.nooo
Noah:ok whatever 🥵
Cody: y.y.y.your cute🥺
Noah: Awww thxs boo🤤
Noah:your adorable
Cody:no I’m not 😤
Noah:aww my little codwy mad
Cody:I’m not
Noah:awww your so sexy when あなた mad
Cody:I’m not 😏
Noah:kiss me baby 🥵
Cody:*kisses Noah*
Noah:*kisses cody*
Cody: こんにちは Noah
Noah:yeah babe
Cody: I 愛 you
Noah: I 愛 あなた もっと見る bc あなた make me hared🥵🤤

HMU for part 2
—Alexa Abbie