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Tdi's Lindsay! Did あなた Like Lindsay's Audition Tape?

7 fans picked:
Yes, She Was Great
Yes, She Was Great
I Could&# 39; ve Seen もっと見る
I Could've Seen もっと見る
No, It Was Boring
No, It Was Boring
 soxfan89 posted 1年以上前
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Yes, She Was Great
tabithasb13 picked Yes, She Was Great:
I loved it!
posted 1年以上前.
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Yes, She Was Great
soxfan89 picked Yes, She Was Great:
She Most Certainly Was!
posted 1年以上前.
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Yes, She Was Great
poophead4837ext picked Yes, She Was Great:
yes cuz i speak english and american XD.. AND SPANISH
posted 1年以上前.
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Yes, She Was Great
soxfan89 picked Yes, She Was Great:
posted 1年以上前.