addiction: Justin Bieber♥; Kittens♥
My hero(s): Justin Bieber♥; Selena Gomez♥; Demi Lovato♥
relationship status: ❒Single ❒Taken ✔Forever Alone :(
girls I trust: Ellie♥; all my ファン on fanpop♥
guys I trust: Justin Bieber♥
current mood: Happy :)
お気に入り color: Purple♥
confession: I 愛 ネコ better than イヌ but I 愛 them both♥
who I miss: Ellie <\3
who understands me: Ellie♥
someone who is always there for me: Ellie♥; all my ファン on fanpop♥
last person I had a chat with: my cousin Zach♥
who I'd die for: Justin Bieber♥; Ellie♥
who makes me laugh the most: my friend Taylor♥
who I do the craziest stuff with: Ellie♥
who always brightens my day: Justin Bieber♥; my bestie Ellie♥; all my ファン on fanpop♥
What am i listening to? Justin Bieber♥
My hero(s): Justin Bieber♥; Selena Gomez♥; Demi Lovato♥
relationship status: ❒Single ❒Taken ✔Forever Alone :(
girls I trust: Ellie♥; all my ファン on fanpop♥
guys I trust: Justin Bieber♥
current mood: Happy :)
お気に入り color: Purple♥
confession: I 愛 ネコ better than イヌ but I 愛 them both♥
who I miss: Ellie <\3
who understands me: Ellie♥
someone who is always there for me: Ellie♥; all my ファン on fanpop♥
last person I had a chat with: my cousin Zach♥
who I'd die for: Justin Bieber♥; Ellie♥
who makes me laugh the most: my friend Taylor♥
who I do the craziest stuff with: Ellie♥
who always brightens my day: Justin Bieber♥; my bestie Ellie♥; all my ファン on fanpop♥
What am i listening to? Justin Bieber♥

His eyes , his eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin'