Stampylongnose Club
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added by smlewis13
added by juju1333
Source: Me Stampy and William
added by Kadencat
added by XBoxGamerBoyJB
added by jannahcute
added by Drew8
added by Stampys1bestfan
added by darrmonie
added by smasher8
added by snaciis
Source: Oliver 'Snaciis' McDonald
posted by karter76
Hello stampy, I 愛 your videos!!! I watch all your 動画 and I am subscribed to your channel! I am 6 years old and would 愛 to hear from you!! We 愛 watching your 動画 after school. We have learned so much. We 愛 your cakes!!! あなた are the coolest!! We really really hope あなた write us back. It would make our day!!! We can't wait. Thanks for all your fun stuff!! Hope to hear from あなた soon!!! ...............:):):):):):)::):):):):);););););$:):):):):);););):):):);););):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):););

あなた are 10000000000000000000000000000000% awesome!

愛 Karter
 Stampy picture (if needed)
Stampy picture (if needed)
How to build a statue of Stampy

1. Build up 2 blocks with white wool for sides of feet. (paws)

2. Build across 8 blocks with white wool for 上, ページのトップへ of feet. (paws)

(so 2 up によって 8 across for paws with white wool)

3. Using オレンジ wool, go up from 上, ページのトップへ of paws 12 blocks.

4. from 上, ページのトップへ of those 12 blocks, go across 8 with orange.

(so 12 up によって 8 across for legs, with a bit of white wool for belly)

5. For the belly, do 10 blocks up and 8 blocks wide with white wool.

6. shape out the tuft of furr on belly and fill in with white wool.

(so 10 up and 8 across for the belly.)

7. Go four blocks out with オレンジ wool from...
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added by Bloomroad
added by Margs1977
Stampy's P.O.V

*Thinking* Today I'll make a Minecraft(マインクラフト) video with my friends.....

"Hello this is Stampy, and welcome to a Minecraft(マインクラフト) lets play video! And another video inside... Stampy's Lovely World...Today we will be joined byyy...L for Lee, Squid, Amy, Longbow, Rosie, Squishy アヒル, 鴨 and...Ha ha! My cake that Lee is going to give me for break fast! Now, I would like my break fast when I wake up so let's go over to Lee's painting." *Only can see Lee's nose* "Um...Lee? Where has your body gone? Ha ha! *Lee gets out* Now Lee, I'm having a late break fast and that means I have to have brunch!" *Lee...
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added by Kai_Earl
Source: Momma Red
added by CRAZYCATZ