Spuffy Club
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(this is in no specific order)

1. "You think we're dancing?"-Buffy
"That's all we've ever done."-Spike (5x7 Fool For Love)
^^ They could never kill each other!

2. "How long was I gone?"-Buffy
"Hundred forty-seven days yesterday. Uh ... hundred forty-eight today. 'Cept today doesn't count, does it?"-Spike (6x3 Afterlife)
^^ He counted the number of days she was gone

3. They made 火災, 火 (7x22 Chosen)

4. "What's wrong?"-Spike
"I don't want to talk about it."-Buffy
"Is there something I can do?"-Spike (5x7 Fool For Love)
^^ Spike is always there for Buffy

5. "You've got another demon fighter now."-Spike
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added by chameron4eva
Source: Ugly Business
added by adwbuffy
added by jackiehyde4eva
 Buffy & Spike *Love Will Works It's Will*
Buffy & Spike *Love Will Works It's Will*
I have 質問 to all the Spuffy ファン . Do あなた think there should be もっと見る Spuffy than Bangel? I mean when I watched the ending of "Chosen". I cried when Buffy ロスト Spike at the end of the series. Even though we all know that Spike was back in エンジェル Season 5 . But that still not enough to satisfy my feelings over Buffy and Spike. Like they never see each other ever again. Neither has Angel, when Spike and エンジェル was in Rome they were looking フォワード, 前進, 楽しみにして to see Buffy again. But Spike and エンジェル didn't see Buffy cause Andrew told them that she was gone . At the end of season 5 of Angel, Spike didn't...
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added by adwbuffy
Source: photobucket
added by RoseLovesJack
added by Angie22
 Dead Things Season 6 Is The Best Example For Dark Seduction Of Spike & Buffy
Dead Things Season 6 Is The Best Example For Dark Seduction Of Spike & Buffy
From Season 6 Buffy was brought back to life によって her own フレンズ from "Heaven". She was feeling that she wasn't there but feeling very ロスト in reality. Somehow effected her feelings against her enemies. Like for example Spike was her arch nemisis of hers.

She was beginning to understand that her actions towards Spike was total different. Like Buffy was turning her whole feelings around to pain,suffering,and turning to lust. I finished watching Season 6 Review with the cast & crew about the Season. Saying that Buffy & Spike's relationship was in total "Darkness", Buffy was the first one...
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This is a ファン fiction about what happened after the fade out in Chosen. Please note that while it may seem a little short, a lot of it is simply looking at each other, which is もっと見る effective and romantic on-screen than in words. Anyways, I hope あなた like it!

Buffy walked slowly down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the flight, she turned to look at him. He had been sitting, the amulet dangling out in front of him. He had been examining it with careful eyes. At the sound of her footsteps he stood up. They stared at each other for a moment, then he spoke.

"What's up pet?"

Buffy walked...
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バフィー 〜恋する十字架〜
james marsters
音楽 video
added by simpleplan
Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/buffy-and-spike
added by Angie22
Source: Nelly
added by Angie22
Source: framedinlove
added by chameron4eva
Source: Several Artists
added by MelBelle2
Source: betweenthewoods
added by adwbuffy
Source: reflection
added by RoseLovesJack
added by adwbuffy
Source: spikechild, photobucket