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An incredible 記事 for all astronomy enthusiasts. Courtesy of Neringa Utaraitė @ Bored Panda.
According to
link and other various sources online: "Jupiter Might Be Eating Other Planets And That's Why It's So Big." 記事 by: Nadeem Sarwar.
"Asteroid 2021 SM3 will pass through our planet on Friday" Find out もっと見る via:
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Oceans’ worth of ancient water may have been locked up in minerals in Mars's crust, increasing estimates for the total amount of that once flowed on the red planet.
記事 によって Doris Elin Urrutia. Source:
A strange signal was detected from a red dwarf 星, つ星 : Proxima. Centauri in December, 2020. 記事 by: Robert Nayeye. Article's source:
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