
Sonic and Tails 質問

how did Sonic meet Tails?

I know Sonic and Tails are フレンズ but how did they meet? please answer if あなた know the answer
 nala11red posted 1年以上前
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Sonic and Tails 回答

strattonbobo said:
Sonic first met Tails when Tails was an 1-year-old baby. Tails was an orphan, and was raised によって Mobian birds, thus strangely explaining his ability to fly. Tails literally landed on 上, ページのトップへ of Sonic. The baby 狐, フォックス cub explains to Sonic he had just been kicked out the nest of some birds, young Tails had decided he was a bird due to his ability to fly. Sonic tells him he is in fact a 狐, フォックス and is shocked to see that he can actually fly. Baby Tails follows Sonic and after getting him into some mishaps, Sonic agrees that Tails can stay with him.
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posted 1年以上前 
taismo723 said:
Tails was painting Sonic's plane and Sonic caught him. They told each other their names and became fast friends!
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posted 1年以上前 
shadowgirl78899 said:
i saw it from aosth sonic stopped running away from something and sonic stopped to dance randomly under a 木, ツリー tails fell on his head. sonic:hey whats the big idea! tails explains he is a orphan and tryed to live with some birds ( he was ロスト and needed a new family ) sonic: why do あなた want to live with them your not a bird.! tails:but i can fly maybe im a bug sonic: listen kid your a 狐, フォックス and foxes cant fly.! tails: but i can -starts to fly- weeeeee! -lands- tails:well maybe i can live with you. sonic: i cant stop for this stuff kid gotta juice. tails: -flys up to sonic- (randomly says) あなた wanna see me cry -starts to cry- waaaaaa! sonic:-stops running- -slips on tails cry-. tails:uh oh! sonic: so whats your name kid. tails: (says somewhat happily ) its miles. sonic:miles?! tails: YA I HATE IT. sonic: ok ill call you... - thinks- tails! tails: we can be brothers. sonic:ok. tails: yay wee! i get a big brother and a new name - keeps talking about all the good things that happend - sonic: ( keeps saying why tails is running off at the mouth ) ahhhhh! ( he was patched up becuase he was injured becuase he crashed becuase of tails cry ) shood i dont blame him i would be all like ahh! if i was like him too lol
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posted 1年以上前 
tailsthefox said:
when tails was one 年 old
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posted 1年以上前 
chrisblass said:
tails was just walking in the forset and sonic came runninga along tails chase after them and forget the rest
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posted 1年以上前 
jcjoshua1999jc said:
sonic met teils in the 日 of emeralds
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posted 1年以上前 
rileyferguson said:
AOSTH: sonic was doing a dance when tails just fell on him, he then sid that he was kicked out によって some birds. Then sonic 発言しました he was a 狐, フォックス and he could not fly, then sonic sped off. Tails then cried and sonic hurt himself, sonic then changed his name from miles to tails and tils was overjoyed.

Sonic X: Tails was walking in the woods when sonic game zooming past, he then saw sonics plane and started painting it blue. Sonic then saw him and he likedit blue. Then they became フレンズ fast.
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posted 1年以上前 
jakeroo123 said:
It depends on the continuity. In the games, however, it basically went like this:

One day, Tails saw Sonic running, and thought he was so cool, he decided to follow him. He caught up to Sonic, and Sonic was so impressed that Tails was as fast as him that he let him be his sidekick.
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posted 1年以上前 
tails060 said:
Sonic met tails when he was fixing sonic plane . Before they met tails have been bullied because he liked to build things but it's also because of his two tails
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posted 1年以上前 
Hedy2021 said:
He meet him when he go caught when Tails was making the plane go faster .
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posted 1年以上前 
starcasto said:
i think it was when sonic saw a pliot and needed one nad they talked and they were friends
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posted 1年以上前 
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