Smiley Updates

a comment was made to the fan art: Happy Smiley 1年以上前 by RougeTheBat844
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Smiley 1年以上前 by iamnoob
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How many results do あなた get if あなた Google 'smileys'? 1年以上前 by rohitnei
a photo 追加されました: ☺ Mister Happy and his eyebrow adventure ☺ 1年以上前 by TreesandStuff
fan art 追加されました: :) 1年以上前 by MyBlueDragon
a comment was made to the poll: What Collor ??? 1年以上前 by HyperCandy
a comment was made to the poll: Smiley または Miley 1年以上前 by HyperCandy
an answer was added to this question: what comes to mind when i say "SAD SMILEY"? 1年以上前 by doobster2
an answer was added to this question: what comes to mind when i say "SAD SMILEY"? 1年以上前 by gummybear15
an answer was added to this question: why are smileys awesome? 1年以上前 by gummybear15
a comment was made to the poll: witch smily is beter 1年以上前 by songoku-chan
a comment was made to the poll: which one do u like better? 1年以上前 by songoku-chan
a reply was made to the forum post: Japanese smileys 1年以上前 by VanessT8
a comment was made to the poll: Do あなた 愛 Smileys ??? 1年以上前 by sasha320
a poll 追加されました: which one do u like better? 1年以上前 by sasha320
a link 追加されました: Free smileys from 1年以上前 by wierdgem7
a poll 追加されました: What Collor ??? 1年以上前 by VanessT8
a poll 追加されました: Do あなた 愛 Smileys ??? 1年以上前 by VanessT8
an answer was added to this question: what comes to mind when i say "SAD SMILEY"? 1年以上前 by wierdgem7
a comment was made to the link: animated smileys 1年以上前 by dexter333
a link 追加されました: animated smileys 1年以上前 by dexter333
a question 追加されました: why are smileys awesome? 1年以上前 by MerlinLemon
a question 追加されました: what comes to mind when i say "SAD SMILEY"? 1年以上前 by MerlinLemon