Single Ladies How much do あなた enjoy being single?
I 愛 it!!! It&# 39; s MUCH better than being with... |
I 愛 it!!! It's MUCH better than being with someone
I like it. I mean, I wouldn&# 39; t really know, I&# 39; ve... |
I like it. I mean, I wouldn't really know, I've never been with someone, but yeah
I like it
It has it&# 39; s ups and downs... :/ |
It has it's ups and downs... :/
I don&# 39; t really like it... it&# 39; s no fun... |
I don't really like's no fun...
ENJOY it?!?! I HATE being single! :&# 39;( |
ENJOY it?!?! I HATE being single! :'(
is the choice you want missing?
go ahead and add it!