Silver:Are あなた sure this will work?Sonic:Sure.It worked last time.Silver:Than do it!Sonic:Alright alright.Sheesh.Silver:CHAOS CONTROL!!!!!Wakes up in a grassy field.Is this it.?????:OH.Young man do あなた need help.Silver:Uhhh who are you? ????:Just call me TD.Silver:Ok TD.WAIT!!!Where are the chaos emeralds?!?TD:Emeralds あなた say Iv ロスト 7 emeralds maybe あなた could help me look for them.And in exchange I will help for your emeralds and your friend.Silver:How do あなた know Im missing a friend.TD:A missing friend whats her name.Silver:Your making no sense.TD:So.....friends.Silver:Ok.They shake on it.TO BE CONTINUED.....