I heard from a source(Jasmin Linds) that Selena Gomez has ファン that are Sel-Crazy. One girl
named Taylor(age 21) went to a コンサート in 2011 and overheard rumours about selena staying to sign autograpphs.Taylor was the only person waiting on selena. She waited in the parking lot until no car または limo was in sight. She then, disapionted, left home.
Jasmin Linds also recalls the 日 she heard a mom tell her kids (Tania age 5, Masha age 7,Olia 10 and Katya age 12)that they were going to meet Selena Gomez the 次 week.
Masha,Olia and Katya were convinced that they were really going to meet her while...
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