dan: *sings dragostea din tei * mi-ya-hii , mi-ya-huu , mi-ya-ho, mi-ya-haha!!!
sandybelle: hehehe *gives dan a presser-point*
dan: ack!!! *faints*
sandybelle: revenge is mine!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! ah ha ha ha ha ha h--*coughs* ha.
jason : what the hell??!!!
sandybelle: alo.
jason : * gets mad* KAMMM- MMAYYYYYYYY
sandybelle: =.=||'
sandybelle thinking: oh holy crap , this guy can't do goku's voice.
jason : HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *blue sphere of 火災, 火 appears*
sandybelle: !!! *disappears*
jason: what??!!!!
* jason falls to the ground*
sandybelle: oh shit , あなた can't do anything.
continue reading...