こんにちは everyone, I'm MijmiD,but it's ok if あなた call me Mij. As あなた can see, I am a pretty big Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus fan, and I have a couple of things to say about those books....
Reasons why I 愛 these books....
1.They're exciting and thrilling
2.Rick sure knows how to make a good couple!
3.They have death, one of the main ingredients to an excellent book
4.The descriptions are vivid
5.It's not like a Judy Moody book that has like, only 60 pages
Reasons why these 本 can be better....
1.The main character always has a ハート, 心 of steal...not one tear dropped from their eye when a loved one died.
2.I think that it would be cool if one of the main characters were blind または deaf, like Frank または Hazel
3.The 本 aren't very inspiring, like Harry Potter, I think Rick needs a life lesson in his books....
Either way I 愛 these books, but I just think it needs a little more.
Reasons why I 愛 these books....
1.They're exciting and thrilling
2.Rick sure knows how to make a good couple!
3.They have death, one of the main ingredients to an excellent book
4.The descriptions are vivid
5.It's not like a Judy Moody book that has like, only 60 pages
Reasons why these 本 can be better....
1.The main character always has a ハート, 心 of steal...not one tear dropped from their eye when a loved one died.
2.I think that it would be cool if one of the main characters were blind または deaf, like Frank または Hazel
3.The 本 aren't very inspiring, like Harry Potter, I think Rick needs a life lesson in his books....
Either way I 愛 these books, but I just think it needs a little more.