ランダム How would あなた react if someone あなた lived with called あなた messy?

Pick one:
I&# 39; d be mad
I'd be mad
I&# 39; d be sad
I'd be sad
I&# 39; d start cleanin もっと見る
I'd start cleanin もっと見る
I&# 39; d be even messier
I'd be even messier
I&# 39; m not messy the other person is a clean freak
I'm not messy the other person is a clean freak
I wouldn&# 39; t care
I wouldn't care
depends on who did the saying
depends on who did the saying
silent treatment
silent treatment
pretend nothing is wrong, but talk shit behind...
pretend nothing is wrong, but talk shit behind 発言しました persons back
I&# 39; m not messy, so I&# 39; d be kinda confused
I'm not messy, so I'd be kinda confused
Well... I&# 39; m messy. so I wouldn&# 39; t do anything
Well... I'm messy. so I wouldn't do anything
the birdie
the birdie
I&# 39; m not messy, I&# 39; m embracing my creativity
I'm not messy, I'm embracing my creativity
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 puloobestreet posted 1年以上前
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