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Oliver James Who is Oliver's best on-screen girl-friend?

43 fans picked:
 Dereks_girl101 posted 1年以上前
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piperpayton22 picked アマンダ・バインズ:
i love him with amanda bynes
posted 1年以上前.
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iheartadam2 picked アマンダ・バインズ:
They look better together.
posted 1年以上前.
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mirellar picked アマンダ・バインズ:
i've only seen a movie with him the movie that Amanda Bynes so i guess her then xD lol
posted 1年以上前.
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mel094 picked ヒラリー・ダフ:
they are a beautiful couple they are in perfect harminy
posted 1年以上前.
last edited 1年以上前
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sumay picked アマンダ・バインズ:
Although i liked him and Hilary together in Raise your voice, I must say ... He looked better with Amanda.
posted 1年以上前.
last edited 1年以上前