OMFG my laptop is going to be taken away tomorrow and I need フレンズ pleaaaaaaaaase im begging youuuuuuu again my friend code is 2638-1113-8449 D;
投稿されました 1年以上前
If anyone has a 3ds can I have your friend code I was banned from miiverse and I can't make フレンズ my friend code is 2638-1113-8449 now plzzzz tell me yours
投稿されました 1年以上前
MARIO NEEDS YOU! Do あなた draw Mario pics? Write Mario stories? Make your own Mario YouTube 動画 または make comics? Come and register for an authors プロフィール at link today :-D
投稿されました 1年以上前
I do not know why but the touchscreen of my 任天堂 DS is not working.............................. Maybe I have busted it...............................................
投稿されました 1年以上前
Hello Nice meeting あなた here, how are あなた today i will want us to be フレンズ contact me here with my e-mail address (grace w i L(デスノート) L(デスノート) 3 2 @ y a h o o . c o m ) because i have a special reason why have contacted あなた so that i can send あなた my 写真 and also tell あなた もっと見る about myself here is my e-mail address( ) あなた can also drop me your Eメール mail address i am waiting to get a reply from あなた remember that co-lour, language または age and distance does not matter but understand matters Yours New Friend Miss Grace1年以上前
Hello Nice meeting あなた here, how are あなた today i will want us to be フレンズ contact me here with my e-mail address (grace w i L(デスノート) L(デスノート) 3 2 @ y a h o o . c o m ) because i have a special reason why have contacted あなた so that i can send あなた my 写真 and also tell あなた もっと見る about myself here is my e-mail address( ) あなた can also drop me your Eメール mail address i am waiting to get a reply from あなた remember that co-lour, language または age and distance does not matter but understand matters Yours New Friend Miss Grace1年以上前