Well in an interview on E4 Kathryn Prescott (emily) did say she enjoyed doing the キス scenes, but that doesn't mean she's gay, just she's telling the truth. lol
あなた mean the 女優 who play Naomi and Emily? Well..they're not gay in real life and i don't really know how they must be feeling but i bet they're feeling somehow unconfortable while filming some of their scenes.
Despite the fact I wish they were, I doubt either of them are gay, however I reckon there's a good chance Kat (Emily) is bisexual. In one interview she mentions having a boyfriend but says that Naomi's kisses are a close 秒 to that of her boyfriend. Moreover, in interviews she makes several コメント about it not mattering to her whether she kissed a guy または a girl, and that it is about the person, not the gender.
okay so im just gonna shout this out here! As it was 発言しました above Emily played bt Kat Prescott is however none of the less Bisexual. Naomi Played によって Lily Loveless is also Bisexual. I Found this out as i met her in a club in Dublin and me and my フレンズ were talking to her and my friend シアラ Asked her was she gay and she 発言しました that she was Bisexual but もっと見る into guys.