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Monty パイソン, python and The Holy Grail Which of the Knights' adventures would あなた have rather faced?

76 fans picked:
あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni
あなた find yourself trapped in the 城 of Anthrax
あなた have to face off against a Three-Headed Giant
あなた must save a "damsel in distress" at the Swamp 城
 chel1395 posted 1年以上前
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yeahisawsparks picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
Because I would say "it" repeatedly and have them go away!
posted 1年以上前.
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marissa picked あなた have to face off against a Three-Headed Giant:
i think i cou;d have taken them :P
posted 1年以上前.
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Lunatic picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
I would have laughed a lot.
posted 1年以上前.
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spikes_girl picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
i think i could do that :)
posted 1年以上前.
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rockerchick303 picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
lols i love those guys. and a shrubbery?? lols so random :D
posted 1年以上前.
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boolander25 picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
it woudl be easy to find a shrubbery, but the picket fence and pathway, maybe not so much lol
posted 1年以上前.
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TeamSiriusBlack picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
Easy, but then you have to find another one and get that two-level effect and cut down that tree with a herring...
posted 1年以上前.
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rainandbomba picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
Then the three-headed knight.
posted 1年以上前.
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America50 picked あなた must find a shrubbery for the Knights Who Say Ni:
This seems like the easiest and less life risking.
posted 1年以上前.