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added by sarabeara
added by Jemi_Trisha23
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posted by DemiJones
Title: First Impressions
Author: Jewel_2
Pairing: Shane and Mitchie Rating: G Summary: What was Shane thinking when he met Mitchie?
Author Notes: Don't own Camp Rock. Sorry if this is stupid, it came to me at 11 pm.

"What a morning. First I get woken up from my great dream of finding the "girl with the voice" and 歌う with her. He could get her out of his head, her 歌う had been just so sweet and her song had been just like the heartwarming, from the ハート, 心 songs Connect 3 had sung before the stupid label got a hold of the band and changed it, によって my uncle pouring water on me. I mean I...
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added by Jemi_Trisha23
added by sarabeara
added by Jemi_Trisha23
added by sarabeara
fall to pieces
added by sarabeara
added by sarabeara
added by sarabeara