Miley,Selena,Taylor and Demi Club
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added by Piyal
added by superDivya
added by superDivya
added by sini12
Source: sini radcliffe
added by sheek_girl
added by superDivya
added by superDivya
added by unaiza
added by unaiza
added by unaiza
added by unaiza
added by unaiza
added by Piyal
added by Piyal
added by Piyal
added by Piyal
added by Piyal
“I think for me, beauty is sincerity. I think that there are so many different ways that someone can be beautiful. あなた know someone’s so funny that it makes them beautiful no matter how they look because they’re sincere in it. または someone’s really emotional and moody and thoughtful and stoic but that makes them beautiful because that’s sincerely who they are. または あなた look out into the crowd and あなた see someone so happy that they’re smiling from ear-to-ear and that sincerity comes through, and I think that’s what makes somebody beautiful. I’ve never felt like there’s just one...
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